

Beefs and Bouquets, Oct. 21

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BOUQUET: A big bouquet to the person who found my gold earring outside Thrifty Foods on Island Highway and turned it in to the customer service desk. Last week my earring came out when I was removing my mask after shopping and on the chance it had been turned in, I checked with the store and was thrilled to discover it was there! Thank you again and thanks to the staff at Thrifty Foods!

BOUQUET: To City of Langford and City of Colwood, I’m seeing many signs around town reminding us to support local business. It is so important to support local during these times and thank you for recognizing this as well.

BEEF: A big beef to the big white truck who drives down Metchosin Road on a daily basis. You are a tailgater. Do you realize the speed limit on this road is 50 km/h? I don’t think so! You will cause an accident one day and than maybe you’ll learn. Passing on the solid line is also a big no-no but it seems you feel like you need to be somewhere and it’s more important than your life or the lives of others.

BOUQUET: To the staff at Cloth Castle, thank you for making my trip to your store so enjoyable. Being retired I enjoy my hobby and your staff make my hobby that much more pleasant when I feel like I am visiting my family to get my supplies. In a time when so many people are crabby and impatient your staff are pleasant and patient. Thank you.

BEEF: To the owner of the black dog (maybe border collie) that runs him by Wishart School. Pick up your dog’s poop!

BEEF: Cyclists these days … not all, but most … really feel like they own the roads, the Galloping Goose and every other patch of gravel or pavement that they can easily ride at high speeds. First I almost get knocked over on the Goose, then when driving down Happy Valley Road, a group of cyclists felt the need to ride in a big group across the road holding up traffic and not allowing motorists to safely pass them. What is going on?

BOUQUET: To the kids playing in the creek at Colwood Creek Park. Thanks for showing us all that kids are still being kids. It was great to see the group without their phones and playing in nature.

BOUQUET: Tremendous and enthusiastic bouquets to our dental hygienists who face a very high chance of COVID infection in doing their job. Many, many thanks to them for keeping our teeth clean in this strange time!

BEEF: To the people responsible for the garbage dumping in Metchosin. Garbage being dumped at the entrances of some trails and some back roads is disgusting. Take your garbage to the dump or pay Alpine to come and pick it up. Why should the residents and our city council be responsible for you being lazy? We are in a pandemic so does this mean we turn into slobs? I don’t get it. Let’s have some respect for Mother Nature. And the local taxpayers. Disgusted by humanity.

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

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