Beef to visual media. Stop showing endless close-up clips of people being vaccinated with needles looking like street lamp posts. Many of us suffer from trypanophobia and may be reluctant to be injected. Silly of us? Yes.

Beefs & Bouquets, April 7

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To Canadian Blood Services staff and volunteers. You make donating blood an enjoyable and painless experience.

BEEF To those sleeping in bus shelters leaving garbage and worse, then move on once you make a mess. The city should remove some near the hospital since cleaning them is not done regularly. Very unpleasant.

BOUQUET To the city parks workers who planted bulbs and flowers in areas enjoyed by many. It sure brings a smile to one’s face and looks beautiful. Thank you.

BEEF To property management companies. Finding a place to live is hard enough without filling out the same form six times and then dealing with unpleasant staff. I’m sure you’re overloaded but I’m certain there’s a more efficient way to do things without getting short with people who just need somewhere to live.

BOUQUET To the doctors and nurses of the emergency room at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. In the middle of a pandemic and a chaotic busy day, you provided peace and dignity and respect as our mother passed. Your kindness and skill will not be forgotten.

BEEF To the mother of two young children in the white Toyota SUV playing on her phone at the Mostar-Rutherford lights. Teach your children well so they can tell you not to text and drive.

BOUQUET Thank you to Therese, Chanelle and the young man accompanying them for staying with my golden lab who was terrified and bolted after fireworks were set off on my street in Departure Bay. The three of you stayed with Lucy until I was able retrieve her. Thank you for your kindness.

BEEF To people who order products online but don’t have their property address situated so that it can be easily seen from the road, day or night, by delivery drivers.

BOUQUET To the 88-year-old gentleman who beefed about the local brothel beefer failing to supply an address. Your so-called beef made my day. It’s so refreshing to see that some of us still have a sense of humour. Thank you.

BEEF To Nanaimo city council. Potholes, garbage, sewer and water. Taxes that pay for that are not intended for your pet projects and virtue signalling. Stick to your mandate please.

BOUQUET To Dr. Maggs and the team at Linley Valley Veterinary for their friendliness, outstanding level of care, and above-and-beyond support with respect to my small dog’s recent surgery. I have never been more impressed by veterinary care in my 20 years of owning animals.

BEEF To land-line phone communication. If ones privacy is constantly, and mostly, compromised by thieves and scammers, why bother with the service and cost? Put the money to more equipped policing and penalties.

BOUQUET To Ron in Nanaimo city sanitation for taking my call and quickly and professionally resolving my garbage collection issue.

BEEF To the driver in the white Subaru who passed me in the Metral construction zone. I was doing the posted speed limit. The road is narrow, there is lots of equipment and workers/flag persons everywhere. There are alternate routes if you feel the construction zone speed limit isn’t to your liking. As the partner of someone who works on our roads, I take safety (and speed limits) very seriously – as we all should.

BOUQUET To Antonio at Home Depot. I had a list of electrical parts to get. He saw I was struggling and couldn’t find what I needed. He took the list and picked everything out for me. That meant a great deal to this 80-year-old. Thank you so much.

BEEF To the beefers who actually think a few healthy people are driving the numbers in B.C. Do some research on viruses and mitigation strategies that are having an impact in other areas. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It’s been four months since public health’s crackdown and nothing has changed.

BOUQUET Thanks to all those who do not wear a mask while walking down the street, driving alone in their car, riding a bike or while out hiking. Reason and common sense are better strategies than fear and fanaticism for getting through this ongoing pandemic.

BEEF To the rude gym staff. Your guys need schooling in manners, just saying.

BOUQUET To all the people who beef – I agree. I don’t like it either. A beef to all the people who bouquet – come on. Things aren’t that great.

BEEF To visual media – Stop showing endless close-up clips of people being vaccinated with needles looking like street lamp posts. Many of us suffer from trypanophobia and may be reluctant to be injected. Silly of us? Yes.

BOUQUET Thank you Rita at Country Grocer bakery, Dufferin Crescent, for baking a special individual cake for my husband’s birthday and a second one for his wife as they could not spend his birthday together this year. Your caring and consideration brought me to tears and I was so overwhelmed that I have nothing else to say than a heartfelt thank you. I would also like to acknowledge all of the bakery staff for being so helpful.

BEEF To the lady in the gold Toyota sedan who was swerving in and out of the bike lane and thought of passing me in the Uplands school zone at 3 p.m. on a Thursday, even though there were children riding bikes across the street.

BOUQUET To Minute Man Moving. To Shannon, Rebecca and all the boys, you are rockin’ awesome. Highly recommended.

BEEF To B.C. medical coverage for not covering blood sugar level 14-day sensors for diabetics. Ontario, Quebec and the Yukon have theirs covered.

BOUQUET To the staff at SportChek for responding so quickly when my son ran away from me. I couldn’t see him among the racks and was beyond panicked, as I’m sure you could tell. Every employee jumped into action to help find him. Thank you so much for your assistance and kindness.

BEEF To people walking in our parks. We all want to get out, but please social distance, especially in the bathrooms and at least put on a mask when you’re using them and wait outside if you see they are busy. Last time there were six people in the ladies’ bathroom downtown and only one person wearing a mask.

BOUQUET To Michael at Fairway Market. Very knowledgeable about products in store, always helpful, and takes time with customers. A five-star team player.

BEEF To whoever receives the taxpayers’ money to keep our highways between Qualicum Beach and Ladysmith clean and safe of debris and garbage. Maybe you will do it after someone gets seriously hurt or worse. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

BOUQUET Thank you to the young man from OK Tire who helped me when I got into trouble on my way to Parksville. Making sure I got there safely is a great example of the kind of person you are. Bless you for your kindness.

BEEF I really cannot understand the mentality of some people who somehow think it is OK to dump their unwanted stuff on the Earth that nurtures us. Please people, be kind to our Earth mother.

BOUQUET To Briggs B. for always looking on the bright side of life and being a great friend.

BEEF To the conspiracy theory ‘newspapers’ that keep putting their publications in community newspaper boxes. The community newspaper doesn’t want any association with your messages.

BOUQUET To Thrifty’s at Port Place shopping centre. Calm, collected and kind throughout the epidemic thus far. Love you guys and gals.

BEEF To Robert Sheldon for trying to drown Ponyboy Curtis in the novel.

BOUQUET To Nolan at Fairway Market’s meat department. One of the most kind and courteous young men. Very pleasant and always willing to help.

BEEF To all the rude people who deliberately can’t acknowledge a smile or greeting when meeting a fellow walker. Most of us follow the COVID distancing rules and to be met with a sullen, grumpy look shows your lack of manners. Loosen up and take that chip off your shoulders.

BOUQUET To the staff at the Beban Park vaccination station. My husband and I were attended to throughout the procedure, each and every member there was polite and helpful and cheerful, from the gentleman at the door through the nurses, we were treated very well and it made the experience so easy. Thank you.

BEEF To the person boasting about having had two COVID vaccinations already. When asked how they were able to get them, they nonchalantly said that their friend’s husband is a doctor in the U.S. and he brought them here to administer to his wife and obviously the chosen few. This is wrong on so many levels, is morally and ethically reprehensible and probably illegal to boot. Shame on you for your selfishness.

BOUQUET To Mitch at the Country Club Great Canadian Oil Change for great customer service. Thank you for your help.

BEEF To the lazy, irresponsible dog owners along Blueback Road who don’t pick up after their pet; shame on you.

BOUQUET Many thanks to Dan H. of Pioneer Fireplace. Excellent professional servicing of our two gas fireplaces. So courteous and efficient and careful. Very much appreciated.

BEEF To the person with the dual-exhaust diesel truck who remotely starts and idles religiously at 4:30 a.m. for 10 minutes. It is really very impressive that you are so consistent but the whole block would be appreciative if you start and go. Thanks.

BOUQUET To Maureen S. for her alert to end single-use plastic in her letter to the editor. Nice to see someone call for this, especially after seeing square miles of plastic bags floating where ocean currents meet.

BEEF To the people who were repeatedly knocking on my door as loud as they could at 11 p.m. on a Sunday night and then running away. I have a dying elderly relative living with me who you scared after he had just worked through his pain and fallen asleep. I have PTSD and didn’t sleep all night as I was on guard waiting for you to come back and hurt us. I know this event was funny to you, but you don’t know who you were affecting inside when you did this.

BOUQUET To our wonderful neighbour Ken who for two days of our snowfall went up and down the hill on Farquhar with his snowblower keeping our street safe for pedestrians. Thank you.

BEEF To the cell phone company. After years of trying, I have yet to be able to maintain a phone call through a long patch of Hammond Bay Road. The cell signal in this heavily populated area is at Nunavut levels.

BOUQUET To the staff at Mad About Ewe for all the help I got knitting a Nordic sweater; would recommend this great little shop to everyone. Thanks again.

BEEF To the store staff wearing transparent spit guards as masks. They have been scientifically proven to be less effective in preventing germ transmission. You have a responsibility to keep your customers safe.

BOUQUET Thank you to Betty, Brian and Barb for helping me to get help with my chimney problem. Special thanks to Diana and Jason for spending so much time to free the little bird.

BEEF To public-sector union members complaining about having to wait like the rest of us for vaccination. If you were truly at risk you’d get bumped ahead. Your union does a disservice to all those members who get it, thousands of us are at the same risk or more and we quietly wait in line.

BOUQUET To Jeff at McLaren Lighting. One of the best salesmen I have come across in ages. You want the best service and advice from a guy who is not pushy, ask for him.

BEEF To the people who moved in next door a year ago. I’ve been putting up with many aggravations from you, but my sleep is negatively impacted by your bright yard lights that shine into our bedrooms and disturb our sleep. (I have blackout curtains but when I want fresh air, they need to be open.) You have a fully fenced yard with locked gates. There is no need to keep it lit like this. It’s light pollution.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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