Beef to the top brand name of canned spaghetti. Opened it up and half full of noodles. Sauce was like water. Absolutely no taste. Very disappointed. Feel sorry for the young people who don’t know the good times.

Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 11

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To Island Radiators. Very prompt service to repair my car air conditioning during the heat wave at much less cost than a major dealership.

BEEF To the politicians and to the people who still believe that COVID-19 is going away. Do not count your eggs until they are hatched.

BOUQUET To customer service representative Vikki at Coastal Community Credit Union’s Bowen Road branch for so patiently helping two older customers to learn the online banking system for their volunteer society. Both customers self-identify as ‘computer incompatible.’

BEEF To the know-it-all councillor who likes to hear himself talk. Try listening for a change.

BOUQUET To health-care workers in the ICU and on the fifth floor of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. NRGH is the place to be if you’re sick or injured or both, like me. You’ll learn a lesson every day in how to thrive and stay away.

BEEF To the furniture store, your warranty should be given to the customer, not held in your computer system at headquarters. And the delivery date for our new recliner is now a month late. So much for phoning the customer.

BOUQUET To our mail carrier who delivers in the hospital area. Always on time, always nice and knocks when I receive a parcel. No matter the weather. Thank you.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo. We live in Nanaimo, not Las Vegas, so stop gambling with the Nanaimo taxpayers’ money.

BOUQUET Thank you to the man in the Truck Tech truck who bought my lunch at the Wendy’s drive-thru. What a surprise! I will pay it forward.

BEEF To the top brand name of canned spaghetti. Opened it up and half full of noodles. Sauce was like water. Absolutely no taste. Very disappointed. Also small tubs of margarine have less margarine. Sign of the times. Feel sorry for the young people who don’t know the good times.

BOUQUET To Melinda at Turley’s Florist. The wedding flowers for our daughter’s wedding were absolutely stunning. Amazing job.

BEEF For five weeks I have repeatedly contacted invasive species people at the local and provincial level about a giant hogweed on Stewart Avenue. Nothing has been done because of jurisdiction issues.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo Nissan service department. Bright, friendly, knowledgeable, capable professionals who keep my ride humming.

BEEF To Joseph Pulitzer who raised the price of newspapers for newsboys in 1899. I know he’s dead now but it still annoys me. Your financial problems are your own. Don’t take it out on those with less than you.

BOUQUET To the incredibly hard-working, dedicated firefighters who are keeping our province from turning to charcoal.

BEEF Be careful of your action. When you give your little finger, they will take the whole hand. People take advantage of your sympathy. It happens in private life, business life, government, etc. They drain you out. They have no mercy. They take everything from you until you are an empty shell.

BOUQUET I am still willing to offer a $200 reward for the return of my purse which was stolen out of my car behind a restaurant at Aulds Road and Metral Drive in mid June. No questions asked as long as most of the paperwork is still in it. You can contact me by calling the News Bulletin at 250-734-4621. Thank you.

BEEF To the tow truck driver for obstructing the bicycle lane and aggressively confronting me, a cyclist and camera operator. Please focus on your job instead of engaging a confrontation.

BOUQUET To the devoted home support workers, who under great personal discomfort during the recent heat wave, showed up and worked hard to keep our seniors safe. Thank you.

BEEF There is nothing progressive about self-checkouts. Companies make money providing no customer service and eliminating jobs in the process. Not a good future.

BOUQUET To the lady who, on her way to work, found my wallet near North Oyster school. To her husband who came to our home to inform us that it had been found while we were still frantically searching for it – then refused to take anything but our thanks. And to the bicyclist who found my drivers licence that had fallen out of the wallet and returned it. Great folks all.

BEEF To roofing companies that hire casual labourers to clean out your gutters and only do two sides of the house. How many seniors can go up on the roof to check?

BOUQUET To the wonderful dude who walks around Nanaimo repping his wrestling belt, I appreciate you. I wish there were more people like that in the world. Thank you for being you. That’s all.

BEEF To the grocery bag beefer. The whole idea of removing plastic bags is so they don’t end up in landfills. Get on the environmentally friendly bandwagon and be a part of the solution, not the problem.

BOUQUET To Gloria at Country Grocer. Her exceptional kindness and customer service is so appreciated. You spread so much joy.

BEEF To a city councillor for missing a meeting in order to attend a logging protest. Very inappropriate.

BOUQUET Thanks for helping make our Forest Park Elementary Grade 7 year-end celebrations special and memorable. Shout out to Montana’s restaurant, Riptide Lagoon Adventure Golf, A&W, Bowen Park Kin Pool manager and staff, Subway, our amazing SD68 bus drivers, the anonymous ping pong table donators and last but not least, all of the wonderful parents and guardians for seeing us through these unique and challenging times.

BEEF To the two older women in the big box store who left your used carts with the disinfected carts. I suggested you ask the employee standing near what to do but you just left your carts and walked out.

BOUQUET Thank you to Jess and the girls at Benson View Veterinary Hospital, you treated our kitty cat Spud and I with so much kindness even though I know your job can be stressful.

BOUQUET Thank you and a shout out to Wayne at Home Hardware for his excellent service in their paint department. He went beyond the call of duty to help me with some paint tinting.

BEEF To the green lawn water-wasting thief down the street. Sneakily watering every night when they think no one sees. I’m a shift worker, walk my dog nights. Give your head a shake, we’re experiencing drought condition; follow the rules. Your green lawn gives you away.

BOUQUET To Applecross Veterinary clinic. We had to put out sweet Lucy down and Dr. Koo took us through the entire process in a professional but sincerely caring manner. We were not rushed or made to feel like we were a number, but rather cared about while our sweetie got her angel wings. Every step was explained to us and we were given as much time as we needed to say goodbye. Thank you to Dr. Koo and your staff.

BEEF To the passive aggressive women at the beach with their young children selling fruit. You bought the house, not the beach or the driftwood. Unfortunate that your children had to witness our unpleasant interaction. I regret I didn’t purchase the fruit – it may have set the tone for a positive meeting.

BOUQUET To the owner of the Milton Street second-hand store. Thank you for your viewing my plumbing part and advising to wash in vinegar solution. It cleaned up nicely; a quality part made in Italy.

BEEF To the extremely rude person at the tool store. Do us all a favour and retire.

BOUQUET Big thank you to city crews who felled trees along Walley Creek trail that were in danger of falling and for cleaning the trail of evergreen needles. They stick to the wheels of my walker so it was great to see the trail all cleaned up.

BEEF To the person complaining about a woman screaming. You listened to these people without trying to find out what was going on? Ever think that maybe she was in trouble and needed some help? Shame on you for your judgment. Take a look at your own life before looking at others.

BOUQUET To Walmart manager Nicola and her staff for the wonderful care and attention they gave me when I was overcome with the heat while shopping. They went above and beyond, and I was treated with so much care and respect. I will never forget it.

BEEF To the RCMP rarely patrolling Beban Park. Every time I go there to take my dog swimming, there is a slew of active drug use and tents in the bush, making my trips short-lived and uncomfortable.

BOUQUET To Stone Soup for opening their own soup kitchen. Nice to see hot meals at night for our street folks.

BEEF In the heart of summer, with zero rain, why am I still seeing butts tossed onto our roads daily? Let’s be kind to our Island. Wake up, people.

BOUQUET To the servers and owners at Saigon Garden. The fantastic people there maintain a solid, well-run tight ship. Delicious food, too.

BEEF Another case of five children accidentally eating cannabis gummies. We have locked storage rules for firearms, why not require locked storage rules for pot?

BOUQUET To Marla at Central Drugs and to the pharmacy’s delivery service, from a very appreciative Cinnabar customer.

BEEF To me for being a sucker. Drivers fly past me at double the speed limit; I wait patiently while some lady goes through the 10-item express with two full carts; I take days off work waiting for workmen who never show up; and I pay in rent for a year what would have bought a house outright 25 years ago. I guess I’m not equipped to live in Darwinian Nanaimo.

BOUQUET To North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre for the wonderful loving care they gave to Knut, their black bear. Although sad to learn of his passing, I’m happy he had a great, long life. Please consider donating in Knut’s honour to help in future rehab of bears.

BEEF To the bank and the clinic for making free access to their desks more difficult and problematic. Are you there for the public, or is the public there for you? Life is already hard enough as it is, please don’t create more problems.

BOUQUET To Duncan Toyota on the professional and honest interaction on both my trade-in value and purchase of my new Tacoma. After dealing with many dealerships, you were head and shoulders above the rest.

BEEF To the Alberta pickup truck that showed up at the campsite with enough firewood to burn down half the province. Have you heard of a fire ban?

BOUQUET To Buzz Coffee House. Fresh and tasty coffee, great service and a pleasant place to frequent.

BEEF To the beefer for beefing my beef about veterinarian staff wearing perfume or cologne – I have the utmost respect for all who choose a career caring for animals. They are overworked and under-appreciated.But seriously, it takes almost 48 hours for the smell to dissipate from my pet. It’s a medical concern for those allergic and for pets because they have an extremely good sense of smell.

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for all the fantastic plants around the waterfront, especially the spectacular lilies around the lagoon. Something I don’t mind paying taxes for. Now we just need more affordable housing ASAP. Keep up the good work.

BEEF To the driver of the blue Dodge pickup with Alberta plates who thinks it is cool to do burnouts on the corner of Mexicana Road and Uplands Drive almost on a daily basis. You have almost hit the curb a few times and sooner or later are going to cause an accident. I now have your plate number and you have been reported to the RCMP.

BOUQUET To the mother and son who not only found my lost dog at Cable Bay, but went out of their way to track me down to let me know he was safe and sound. I am blown away by your kindness and generosity. Please be reassured my curious pup is now on-leash only. Thanks again from the overwhelmed first-time dog owner.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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