Beef to the driver who honked her horn angrily at a group of daycare children who were walking at the side of the road with their daycare provider on a dead-end street. You scared the children and shouted at them to “get out of the road.”

Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 10

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET Thank you so much to the nice lady who was in line at the thrift shop, struck up a conversation with me and then gave me a plastic face mask. I will pay it forward.

BEEF To the NIMBY who doesn’t like wood stoves. I’ll just increase my winter heating bill by 400 per cent by using baseboard heat so you can feel good about yourself. Does that work for you?

BOUQUET To Tacomania for their delicious food, but how are you not named Lowe’s Tacos?

BEEF To the lady waiting at the Departure Bay business for yelling at a class of eight-year-olds going to the beach because they weren’t wearing masks. We would love it if everyone wore masks, but it has not been mandated so we cannot enforce it. Also we’re outdoors, enjoying fresh air. It’s a little much, dude.

BOUQUET To Dr. Weisenberger (Chief). You were my doctor for more than 30 years before you retired and during that time saved my life both figuratively and literally. Your patience, understanding and undemanding time, kindness and compassion will always be remembered and missed. I just can’t find another doctor who compares. Thank you.

BEEF to the City of Nanaimo. The garbage/recycling calendar is again difficult to make out. Dark blue versus black, yes different shape, but aren’t there other colours available?

BOUQUET To Neon Nail Studio for professional service, excellent COVID protocol, the owner observed me struggling putting my socks on and came over and put them on for me.

BEEF 45,000 people die every year due to tobacco, which is taxed and enabled by the federal government. Why are smokers not under lockdown?

BOUQUET To the people of Nanaimo for keeping our trails free from litter. During COVID we have hiked and walked a number of trails in the Nanaimo area and not found one piece of litter on the trails. Thank you to everyone who is keeping our city the true gem that it is, I truly appreciate it.

BEEF To the tailgating beefer. Tailgating, honking, flashing and swerving are internationally recognized reasons to be called out in public.

BOUQUET To the gentleman who generously left a $20 bill for me to ‘find’ when I was picking up garbage off the beach at Departure Bay the other day.

BEEF To the store that accused and insisted that my toddler and I did not sanitize our hands at the entry door when we had indeed done so. We left in tears. Everyone is stressed right now but we still need to treat one another with respect.

BOUQUET COVID-19 has made virtual learning even more plausible. Now it’s time to ‘trim the fat’ on teachers’ positions.

BEEF To the backhanded bouqueter who appreciates workers who don’t belong to powerful unions. You sneered at the “self-serving” public advocacy unions do for their members, and you thanked unorganized workers for accepting pay cuts and hazards and having no such advocacy. Atomized workers don’t lack a union to spare your feelings. They are in a losing position in the labour struggle. Why don’t you turn your gratitude into solidarity and help them unite?

BOUQUET To the many nurses, doctors and the X-ray tech who helped with my daughter’s finger in the NRGH emergency. You were so patient, friendly and calm with a little one who was frightened. I also really appreciated you explaining everything along the way.

BEEF To the beefers about people using wood as their heat source. You complain of the particles and carcinogens going into the air. If you think the number of people burning wood is detrimental to you and the environment maybe you should stop driving to do your part. Do you think that the few hundred fireplaces in Nanaimo are worse than thousands of cars?

BOUQUET To the citizens of Lantzville for a much appreciated Christmas basket. It was Christmas to me!

BEEF To the tailgating beefer. I was referring to residential streets, not highways. The persons driving over the limit need to learn the rules. Pass me if you think I’m going to slow, and let’s hope you don’t hit someone crossing the road while you do this. That is why residential speeds are low and should be heeded.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo Honda staff. From the sales manager down, I found them professional, no pressure and nice.

BEEF To all the sheep herders in our government. COVID cases are still climbing but lockdowns and masks aren’t working. What’s up with that?

BOUQUET To Chase River Veterinary Hospital for the wonderful care you gave my cat Hankie. You knew how heartbreaking it was for me to say goodbye, yet you were honest and offered me no false hope. You could have extended his suffering through lengthy, repetitive and painful surgery and chose, instead, to inform me of what was best for him. Thank you to Dan, my rock, my best friend and my beautiful future. God has blessed me indeed.

BEEF To the clinic with a monopoly. COVID has overwhelmed them but now we are suffering. Unless you have symptoms you can no longer be tested. Some of us must travel, no alternative. We need a negative test to get into other countries but now cannot get one.

BOUQUET To Dr. Wadson on your well-deserved retirement. Your care was always the best. I will miss you being my dentist. You are one of a kind. Happy fishing!

BEEF To the appliance store that sold me a refrigerator that quit working a week after it was delivered. Did not hear from them for two days. After spending several hours on the phone and getting no help I told them I wanted my money back and the fridge picked up. They argued with me and after much shouting they agreed to do so. The worst service ever and very stressful in an already stressful world.

BOUQUET To the friendly BCAA driver who gave me a jump outside Michaels. I was told you would be 45 minutes and you arrived within 10 minutes. You were fast and and efficient. I was on the road within five minutes. Thank you for making a bad situation a highlight of my day.

BEEF To the person who stole my car. However, I would like to give a bouquet to Steve Marshall Ford and Rob W. for going above and beyond to get me in my new used vehicle. He was very supportive, accommodating, and provided me with the best option for the budget I had. Thank you.

BOUQUET To Ricky and Best Buy Mobile for his patience and determination in moving over and setting up three cell phones for my family. You are a star.

BEEF To the driver who honked her horn angrily at a group of daycare children who were walking at the side of the road with their daycare provider on a dead-end street. You scared the children and shouted at them to “get out of the road.” Shame on you. If children make you this angry then good luck with the rest of your life.

BOUQUET I just spent five days in the hospital and would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the hard-working doctors and nurses on the third floor. The cleaning team is outstanding.

BEEF To the tailgating bullies who do not understand that the speed limit has both a maximum and a minimum limit. It is better to drive to conditions than always try to do the maximum allowed. I gently suggest you back off and leave yourself a proper amount of time to get to your destination within the speed limits. You will suffer less rage that way and be less of a hazard to others.

BOUQUET To businesses that honour mask exemptions. I notice a lot of businesses allow their masked patrons to chase down and yell at people without masks. They discriminate against vulnerable people with medical issues and disabilities. And for those who tell these vulnerable people to shop at home, many don’t have the privileges you have. Many don’t have cars to pick up items curbside, cellphones and computers.

BEEF To the people who walk down Blueback Road in the early morning hours talking loudly while people who have worked all night are still trying to sleep, I don’t want to hear your conversation.

BOUQUET To B.C. teachers and nurses and the B.C. Green Party leader for researching infectious disease control and immunization and social issues arising from unnecessary information sharing during a pandemic and letting Dr. Bonny Henry know how wrong she is with her decisions. Five million residents trust her judgment but this small group thinks they know better.

BEEF To the beefer who said Dr. Henry hasn’t been explaining the science on COVID-19. Ask anyone who has had it or lost a loved one if they know the science and they most likely will not. Ask them instead if they know the pain of COVID-19 and they’ll say yes. If you don’t care if you get it, then at least protect your family and friends.

BOUQUET To the prime minister, who was shown great disrespect by this city. You have navigated what could have been a far more tumultuous four years of the U.S. administration, yet going ahead and spending heavily on ensuring at least for the most part that our country survives instead of collapses. Much work remains to be done, however I can easily imagine a far worse leader in these times.

BEEF To many of the bad Nanaimo drivers who treat stop signs as a suggestion. As a pedestrian, I have dodged many vehicles because the drivers are all fired up to get through the intersection to save a few seconds of their time.

BOUQUET To the kind person who found my blue knitted scarf on the Parkway Trail and hung it up on a branch in clear view. And a big thank you to all the passersby who, amazingly, left it undisturbed for the several days since I lost it. So glad to have it back since it was hand-knit for me by my precious son.

BEEF To those who think they can justify tailgating. Keeping a safe distance is the most basic driving skill beside driving between the lines. No one is going to speed up because you are right behind. If you don’t know the two-second rule, go back to school.

BOUQUET To the wonderful, dedicated staff at Wexford Creek retirement complex. They not only have done a fabulous job of keeping all residents safe but have gone above and beyond to keep my mom happy. She received a very special friend, Billy Boy the mechanical pup. Thank you so very much for your kindness, and thoughtfulness. You changed my mom’s life.

BEEF To the teenagers in Harewood who flock to the plaza in large groups. Not a mask in sight and no social distancing. Please think about others who need our protection.

BOUQUET To the lovely young woman who immediately came forward and paid for my items at Dollarama Terminal Park when for some weird reason neither my debit nor credit card would work. She made my day. All she said was “Happy Monday!” I will definitely pay it forward.

BEEF To our city for planting so many shrubs and grasses on the medians and roundabouts in town. The city gardeners can’t keep up with the gardening, pruning, raking and upkeep. Put rocks in the median areas, planting shrubs and grasses are an obstruction, so unsafe.

BOUQUET To both Cobs Bread locations and to Cilaire School for their Dough Raiser program. With all the limitations put on fundraising within schools, we are very grateful to have your continued support.

BEEF To the neighbours and renters who are having numerous friends over to their house during a period when we are to limit people to our bubbles. Last week we counted eight cars at one house. Our neighbourhood is banding together and will report these violators to the police. We need to reduce COVID numbers and bend our curve to reduce the infections.

BOUQUET To the person travelling our neighbourhood at 8 a.m. in the morning as they pick up random garbage and put it in their travel sack on wheels.

BEEF This colossal waste of money for the running joke that is the Opal Road-Rock City Road intersection is beyond outrageous and should to be removed. Where is the updated study that was promised to justify this waste of tax dollars? You can’t speed down this road with the addition of two speed bumps and residents’ cars and garbage cans lining the street.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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