Beef to the moving and storage company in a neighbouring city. A ‘free quote’ is not free when you hide behind company policy to refuse to refund a deposit on a moving date 40 days away. We paid $250 for a ‘free quote’ which we promptly declined to accept, and as a result your company will also collect $250 from another customer that weekend.

Beefs & Bouquets, July 14

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To First Nations for their kindness and perseverance. We mourn with you always, especially during this year’s Indigenous Peoples Month.

BEEF To our prime minister. It’s time Trudeau got off his backside and sued the Catholic church and the Pope for billions to compensate our Indigenous people.

BOUQUET To Craig at R U Computing for outstanding customer service. I purchased my computer a few years ago and the hard drive blew for some reason. Craig replaced it free of charge, which he did not have to do and I could not be more appreciative.

BEEF To 811. I hold for one hour and 12 minutes to talk to a nurse about my post-vaccine COVID arm and then get a hang up.

BOUQUET To the staff at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. I have found everyone I have encountered while getting tests to be friendly, caring and professional. I am most impressed by the level of service that you have given. Keep up the good work.

BEEF To the school district for dismantling the learning centre. Yes, you have kept the name, but staff, supervision and student mix are completely changed. You have adversely affected the lives of already vulnerable children with minimal compassion.

BOUQUET A big congratulations to whoever created the wonderful bus stop in Lantzville. It’s a work of art. Beautifully finished in wood and filled with books for trade, mementos and pictures. Seeing it this morning helped our belief in humanity and people’s capacity for good.

BEEF As an early-morning walker, I am appalled at the copious amounts of water being used for lawns. Most of it is running down the sidewalks and into the drains. Not only private residences, but businesses too. It’s one way to get a free shower.

BOUQUET To Jason at Staples on Aulds. I made a mistake and he sorted it out without making me feel dumb. Thanks for keeping Nanaimo cool in a heat wave.

BEEF To the RCMP for lack of police presence on Nanaimo’s waterfront. It has become over-run by thugs on scooters and gas-powered bicycles threatening people.

BOUQUET To Twin Peaks Plumbing and Heating. Deciding on a tankless hot water system, I contacted four local companies. Scott at Twin Peaks listened to my myriad of questions, providing concise information and the best quote. He also guided me through paperwork for a Fortis rebate. On the day of installation, Mike, Scott and the team were quick, professional, and tidy. Top-notch.

BEEF To the beefer complaining Metral is too narrow, that is the entire point. It’s designed and meant to slow down drivers who think it’s OK to do 100 kilometres per hour and pass in the meridians. The posted speed is 30-50km/h but that’s OK, you can just ignore those signs like everyone else.

BOUQUET To the visionary people who are making Nanaimo a safer and friendlier city for biking. Loving the new two-way bike lanes on Front Street. And also the bike lanes on Haliburton. Thank you.

BEEF To the boats parked in the gap, please stop discharging your black water into the harbour. If you can’t move your boat to properly deal with your waste, you are breaking rules. Please stop at least in the summer while people are swimming. We do not need to see your toilet paper or poop in the ocean.

BOUQUET Thank you to the city staff and leaders responsible for installing a water mister on the blue canopy in Maffeo Sutton Park during a heat wave. What a great way to cool down. Perfect for kids and seniors alike.

BEEF To the city for allowing homelessness to overtake the city. It sure would be nice to sit at the Italian fountain on a hot day but I guess it’s best to deny the taxpayer access.

BOUQUET To the staff of the Coastal Inspiration which sailed from Tsawwassen to Duke Point. I was having mobility difficulties and realized I would require assistance. Several staff in succession helped me. I was so grateful for their consideration and caring. A huge heartfelt thank you to B.C. Ferries.

BEEF To the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development. I understand the beef about them.

BOUQUET To the person or people who put up those small positive messages all around town on the telephone poles. I love seeing them. When I was running, was great inspiration to keep moving and brightens up my day while driving. Keep it up please.

BEEF To the guy with the dog on Terminal Avenue. Quit talkin’ smack and ruining my life. Do us all a favour and find somewhere else to park.

BOUQUET To the 1-800-busy-signal call centres that offer a call back option. A beef to the ones that still do not.

BEEF To the independent MP. You had the unique opportunity to initiate historic leadership, to transform structures, do justice, promote healing and reconciliation, to do the right things in the right ways, set in motion intergenerational benefits. But, no. Your no was a no to our collective nations’ future. Throwing self-righteous stones of shame and blame from the sidelines is easy.

BOUQUET To the kind person who turned in my debit card outside the north-end Salvation Army store. You made my day. Thank you so much for your honesty.

BEEF To the mall for chasing off volunteers who were trying to hand out water by the bank in the middle of a heat wave. Not the kind of people we need in Nanaimo.

BOUQUET To Const. Littlejohn and Const. Waltman for helping me turn my life around.

BEEF To Statistics Canada for forcing us to agree and participate in an invasion of privacy. We already have to put up with criminally low wages, incompetent government, laughable health care, and now you expect us to be kind to strangers who trespass on our property and harass us to fill out a survey that in no way at all contributes to the improvement of this God-forsaken country. I am disappointed in Canada as a country.

BOUQUET To my kid. You’re a gentle lamb but showed the heart of a lion by putting the run on the adult who was deliberately scaring little kids riding by. Just call me and the authorities first if you ever see this kind of thing again, OK kiddo? Much respect.

BOUQUET To a man and woman at Sebastion Beach who very likely saved a woman’s life. The woman was in the water by the rocks and was unable to reach shore. The couple spotted her difficulty, coaxed her and assisted her to walk to shore. The woman was exhausted, frightened, and very shaky, and she may have drowned had these two people not acted so quickly and taken swift action. Bravo!

BEEF To politicians across the board for continuously jockeying for approval to receive pensions and benefits. Public service was once an honourable plight. What happened?

BOUQUET To Dr. Westcott and all the wonderful staff at Central Island Veterinary Emergency Hospital. Thank you all.

BEEF To those who do not think the five-knot, no-wake rule in Newcastle Channel applies to them. Pounding boats against the dock and endangering paddle boarders.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo park workers who work in all weather conditions (including the recent heat wave) to maintain the beautiful parks we have to enjoy, swim, or simply be close to nature. I just returned from Colliery Dam and am always amazed and grateful that Nanaimo has these beautiful well-kept and easily accessible spaces.

BEEF To the man who came within inches of hitting me on my scooter at Northfield and Bowen Roads, and then proceeded to run a red light at Labieux and Bowen. You shouldn’t be driving any longer.

BOUQUET To the fantastic lady at ICBC. I showed up all nervous for my knowledge test and she made everything 10 times better. Thanks for starting my day off great and helping me out, I loved your positivity and attitude.

BEEF To the seniors’ long-term care facility for allowing inhumane working conditions with temperatures soaring well over 35 C indoors. No air conditioning, no windows or doors allowed to be open. All while working in full PPE – masks, gowns, etc. Even dogs in cars get better care and attention.

BOUQUET To Reg at Bowen Road Tim Hortons. Every time I come in, Reg is on top of things and gives great customer service. Thank you.

BEEF To the moving and storage company in a neighbouring city. A ‘free quote’ is not free when you hide behind company policy to refuse to refund a deposit on a moving date 40 days away. We paid $250 for a ‘free quote’ which we promptly declined to accept, and as a result your company will also collect $250 from another customer that weekend.

BOUQUET To Denise and assistant for your seamless Instacart grocery delivery from Superstore. You both went above and beyond without being aware of my mobility issues. You two are top notch. Thanks so much.

BEEF To Canada’s Minister of Crown Indigenous Relations for disgusting comments, a prime example of systematic racism at the highest levels. Resign, you do not represent Canadians. You are making reconciliation very difficult for younger Canadians. You should take your ill-gotten pension and donate it to the survivors of residential schools and disappear from public life.

BOUQUET To the amazing principal and staff at Pleasant Valley Elementary. They took everything this year could throw at them in stride, from pandemic to heat waves, and consistently delivered the best, most thoughtful, considerate and caring tutelage to all their students. Bravo!

BEEF To the senator for utilizing a point of order to cut off an Indigenous senator mid-speech asking her to stop using the eagle feather as a prop. Young Canadians know full well the cultural context of eagle feathers in Indigenous culture and as a senator you should too.

BOUQUET To Home Depot for exchanging my six-month old failed large appliance with a new one literally in minutes with the finest courtesy and professionalism.

BEEF To several restaurants with their ‘add-ons’ since COVID. A $40 steak had a $4 add-on for the sauce. The sauce for chicken wings was $2.50. A request for Tabasco instead of ketchup was $1. A ‘doggy bag’ box was 50 cents. Your regular menu prices are high enough and that is understandable, given the price of food nowadays. But the add-ons are a nuisance.

BOUQUET To Gaya Sushi. We had the best, most fresh sushi. The owners were so kind and helpful. Can’t wait to go back. Thanks again, it was delicious.

BEEF To the dad in our area who constantly yells and swears at his kids. That’s not parenting, it’s bullying and abuse. Do yourself and your kids a favour and take some anger management and parenting courses.

BOUQUET To Kevin at the NRGH ER admitting area. I was feeling very anxious but he was a huge help and even managed to make me laugh. Made a scary visit not so bad.

BEEF To the person who sought me out and used me as your last fling before your engagement. I no longer want to hold onto this energy, I release and forgive you.

BOUQUET To the young new paper carrier on St. Andrews Street, I am enjoying receiving the Nanaimo News Bulletin after a very long time of not having delivery to the door. Much appreciate your efforts.

BEEF To all the family doctors in Nanaimo who are still not seeing patients. This is putting enormous strain on the emergency room at NRGH. Not only has the hospital had to deal with the stress of COVID and the normal levels of emergency service, they are now dealing with frustrated patients who are forced to go there for treatment because they can’t see their doctor. It’s past time for GPs to provide the health services they are paid for instead of passing the load onto the overworked staff in emergency.

BOUQUET To the clutter peer support group I just joined, it is changing my life for the better, something I haven’t been able to do on my own, in years. Meetings are free, and so helpful.

BEEF To the deceitful doctor who threw all of us under the bus.

BOUQUET To those who created and maintain the path through the large rocks at Blueback Beach.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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