Beefs & Bouquets, March 9

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the kitchen and service staff at Berwick on the Lake who managed to get to work their shift during the recent inclement weather and keep the residents in the luxury they enjoy.

BEEF To all the people who are cruel to animals. My cat was shot with a pellet gun  near the eye. She got off lucky and now I got faced with a vet bill. Why do people have to be so cruel to animals?

BEEF I object to my tax dollars being spent to enable drug addicts. The law allows supervised injection sites to consume illegal drugs, gives free needles and methadone. Arrest the druggies and give them a choice to enter recovery or jail.

BOUQUET To staff at the Mid-Island Co-op gas bar at Mary Ellen Drive. When I was recovering from an illness, they were very helpful. They are always courteous and pleasant.

BEEF City council seems to have its own agenda in regards to the multiplex, including location. Before the first survey stake is driven in the ground, how many millions will the environmental assessment and subsequent cleanup cost?

BOUQUET To Dr. Sandie and staff at Harbour City Animal Hospital. Their compassion and assistance during a difficult time is greatly appreciated.

BEEF To the person complaining about no cash self-service checkouts. When you use a self-service checkout you are putting a worker out of a job. The stores are just pocketing the savings.

BOUQUET To the News Bulletin for giving readers an outlet to vent their rants, big or small. Especially to the ranter who complained about the many bouquets, for goodness sake.

BEEF To the pro-Trumper. Trump is nothing but shock and blah.

BOUQUET To the old boys at Tim Hortons Southgate Mall. Loud and full of stories that keep people coming back.

BEEF Why is gas always higher in Nanaimo than other island communities? A trip to the airport/Ladysmith is worth the drive. Port Alberni, Campbell River, Duncan are a whole lot cheaper.

BOUQUET To the lovely lady who helped me out on and dropped me off at the hospital for work.

BEEF To the city. Our streets are ruined from your machines over winter, so why are you not fixing them? Cars are being damaged daily from these horrible roads, pot holes and rocks.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo police sergeant whom I called making inquiries about a friend who seemed to have disappeared. She found my Avon lady.

BEEF To the airline that left us stranded in Vancouver for the 4:40 p.m. flight to Nanaimo. You knew full well we were rushing to get there but still pulled away at 4:39 p.m. when we arrived.

BOUQUET To our newspaper boys, Blake, Anton and Jose, who delivered the News Bulletin faithfully even in the worst weather.

BOUQUET To all the beefers, big and small, may you find sunshine in your daily activities.

BOUQUET To fabulous neighbours bob, Randy and Steve in Seabreeze modular home park for the back-breaking jobs shovelling snow from our driveway and veranda. Also to Daniel for looking after our dog while we’re at doctors’ appointments.

BOUQUET To the lady who found my hearing device at Woodgrove parking lot.

BOUQUET To Tim M. at Home Depot who went the extra mile to fix a senior’s wheelchair in their store. She was so grateful. Home Depot is lucky to have such a caring and helpful employee.

BOUQUET To all those who buy and sell Canadian. Hopefully Canadian labels will be on everything when the Euro trade deal and new NAFTA trade deals are in place.  We all have the choice to support our local agriculture, industry and economy.

BOUQUET To Tony and his quad on Rockwood Place for clearing the sidewalks in the cul-de-sac and for clearing the driveway for a pensioner.

BOUQUET To the man who tossed me a safety vest while I was directing traffic at a pedestrian MVA at Tenth Street and Island Highway – a kind gesture and a great help.

BOUQUET To Gord Fuller for giving my car a jump start on a very wet day.

BOUQUET To ferry worker Michelle who remedied my mistake. Coming home from Christmas break I retrieved the wrong suitcase.

BOUQUET To the friendly staff at Southgate Tim Hortons. I begin my day uplifted by you.

BOUQUET To Steve and Chris at Rent a Wreck. Your professional and fast service is much appreciated.

BOUQUET To Fiona, a very kind and thoughtful neighbour who for the second time this year helped me shovel my driveway.

BOUQUET To Anil Ram of Rx RAM Pharmacy.  My husband and I needed to get travel vaccinations in a hurry and he was very accommodating and helpful. Also gives painless needles.

BOUQUET To Donovan from Zelwood Construction and Restorations. They did an amazing job. A true professional who made a stressful situation into an easy solution.

BOUQUET To Sticks and Stones 4×4 group for your dedication and help in searching for the missing hiker, community cleanups and helping others out enjoying the back country.

BOUQUET From Blankets for Canada to all the knitters and crocheters whose nimble fingers allowed us to deliver 287 colourful blankets last year to people in Nanaimo in need of warmth.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo citizens who vote in the referendum on Saturday (March 11).

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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