BOUQUET To Departure Bay Pizza for dropping off pizza and drinks to the firefighters and contractors working at the recent fire on Departure Bay Road. Your generosity was appreciated. Thank you.
BEEF To the tow-truck driver on the side of the road who aggressively and repeatedly pointed at the passing lane when I couldn’t move into it.
BOUQUET To my husband who never gives up. Elephant shoes babe.
BEEF As a parent and a youth counsellor who worked in a school classroom, I find the suggestion by the teachers’ unions for stricter COVID measures alarming. Masking children for hours is having psychological repercussions.
BOUQUET To the family on the corner of Meredith Road and Manchester Lane with the two beautiful golden retrievers. I go by your house on the bus every morning and the days they are out in your yard playing makes taking the bus almost worth it.
BEEF If you give a privileged man a flashlight and call him security, he can still use it to peep through women’s windows. It’s called free will.
BOUQUET To our firefighters, paramedics, police, nurses, doctors and everyone involved in helping people overdosing on drugs. It’s very traumatic and distressing and to know that these people are not alone when they pass is a comfort. Thank you.
BEEF To the busybody who complained about the waiting room at the X-ray clinic. Now elderly patients have to wait outside for their X-rays. I’m sure you consider yourself a card-carrying member of Bonnie’s Army, and I invite you to take your six-foot tape measure of justice to the ER waiting room at NRGH. Just imagine how much good you could do.
BOUQUET To the kind man and woman who helped me up after I had fallen at the health unit. I was embarrassed and didn’t properly thank you. Thank you so very much for your help.
BEEF To the commercial spot prawn fisherman stating that the regulations hinder the sale of their product to local markets. Try finding them in any local restaurant or market. The majority of our local resource once again goes immediately overseas to the wealthy.
BOUQUET My small dog and I were being attacked by two large dogs. I got my dog under me and screamed for someone to help. A man on the opposite side of the street, even though he had a baby in a chest harness, came over right away and kicked the two dogs off of us. This man was my hero that day and I cannot thank him enough for what he did.
BEEF To those rude people who refer to Dr. Bonnie Henry by slang names. A bouquet to Dr. Henry for trying do what is right for us and trying to keep numbers down. A beef to those people who feel they can do better then her, as they sit at home and gather random information after the fact. Maybe you should be in politics.
BOUQUET To Vena and family at Curry Point restaurant. The food is cooked with lots of love and tastes amazing. The service always comes with a smile, rain or shine. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality and kindness.
BEEF To all the COVID-19 restriction protesters, anti-maskers, anti-vaccine advocates and civil and Charter libertarians. As an immune-suppressed person, I have been self- isolating for one year, four months and 22 days as COVID would almost surely kill me. I’d like to get together with friends and family. You express your rights and freedoms but I’d like to know where are my rights? Your selfishness affects my life too.
BOUQUET To the civil liberties lawyers who spoke out against the so-called travel ban. Last I checked we still live in a free country. Nice try though.
BEEF To the RCMP who arrested two anti-maskers. Aren’t you hired to catch criminals, rapists, murders and robbers? Why do you have time for suppressing Canadian freedoms? Did you sign up for this police state?
BOUQUET I am so thankful to the two highly trained, outstanding, caring, efficient paramedics who came to my home in the middle of the night to help me. Thank you for your professional medical assessments and your kindness. You helped me to not be afraid. Thanks for the laughs too, that helped me so much. I’m also glad you enjoyed my home’s eclectic decor. You are my personal heroes.
BEEF I thought we are in this together. I guess the RCMP did not get the e-mail. Really disappointed that they would not provide the first line of monitoring and enforcement on the ferries. Bouquet to the ferry staff for stepping up for this.
BOUQUET To Diamond Eyes Optical for the efficient service with new eyeglasses.
BEEF To the designers of the new traffic calming measures on Lost Lake Road. Drivers slow down for the speed bumps, but quickly ramp up over the speed limit when they cross to the other side. The new ’roundabout’ is worrisome. There is just two-way traffic (Burma Road is largely unused). Drivers travelling towards Laguna Way are now required to manage a very sharp turn that may result in loss of control. Finally, the metal stanchions on Vanderneuk Road require drivers to manoeuvre through a very narrowed lane.
BOUQUET To Chakalaka Bar and Grill for staying open in these Orwellian times. They are standing on principle. Please offer your support for freedom of speech and assembly.
BEEF To the clinic and the pharmacy. It is obvious you are not left searching for a replacement health-care provider. Perhaps your attitudes would change if you were.
BOUQUET To Dave and Ev who came back after seeing us getting ready to load a clothesline pole on our small truck. They wanted to help and they sure did. Dave’s fishing knots were perfect. Thank you; so nice to meet you.
BEEF To the no-leash dog walkers on the shared waterfront walkway and bike path. Please use a leash and keep to your side. Obviously my bell isn’t loud enough, maybe an air horn?
BOUQUET To the person whose dog was stung by a wasp. I think it was great humour at this miserable time that we are currently experiencing. Then I started thinking if the wasp could only read what would its comeback have been?
BOUQUET To Dr. Beerman who has been such an important part of our family for 25 years. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement. You will be incredibly missed.
BEEF To the new additions on Lost Lake Road. Wanting to slow down traffic is one thing, but creating an entire obstacle course is just wild.
BOUQUET Love and gratitude for my friend Cheryl. I broke my wrist. She made me amazing meals and brought me tasty takeout. I learned love is not a feeling. Love is action. She is all love. I am blessed.
BEEF To the beefer who complained about living in a police state and a neighbour having a party during COVID-19. Pick a lane. You can either complain about living in a police state or about the neighbour’s party, but it’s not fair to complain about both.
BOUQUET To Cobs Bread employees and others who donated. What an incredible feat you guys accomplished. $22,100 will help Loaves and Fishes feed lots of hungry people. Awesome job!
BEEF To RDN directors for doing nothing about dumping. Stop relying on volunteers to clean up this filth and start installing hidden trail cams. Nothing will shut down dumping faster than some massive fines and offenders’ pictures in the paper.
BOUQUET To the RCMP officer for finally pulling a speeder over on Hammond Bay Road. How about making it a habit?
BEEF There is no way that B.C. Ferries needs about 16 sailings a day to the Nanaimo area for essential personnel. The actual essential travellers could be transported on a dinghy.
BOUQUET Thanks to the many kind folks in Nanaimo who have welcomed us to town. Your friendliness is much appreciated. We’re excited about our new home and community.
BEEF How is there $50,000 for a new landmark in Maffeo Sutton Park, when we don’t have enough housing for people who are homeless? Please help me understand.
BOUQUET Oak Tree Manor residents would like to the thank the children of Bayview School for all their handicrafts. The little ones have brought joy and happiness to us all. Thank you very much.
BEEF To the clinic’s appointment line. I have better things to do than sit on hold for two hours while waiting for someone to answer the phone. At least play different music so people don’t have to listen to that one piece over and over.
BOUQUET A heartfelt thank you to the students, staff and parents of McGirr Elementary for their support of the annual Justin Smith Coin Drive and Memorial Scholarship Fund. Your wonderful generosity has enabled Justin’s legacy of giving to carry on helping dozens of graduating students pursue their academic dreams. A special thank you to Mr. Bamford for his constant kindness and support. We are forever grateful to all of you.
BEEF To the workers who were replacing our ditches and left the remains of their lunches and cigarette butts all over my yard.
BOUQUET To Myrna, the most awesome, hard-working, skilled, and friendly landscaper in the known universe.
BEEF To the driver of the brown pickup who suddenly stopped in the middle of a block in the left lane of Uplands. Then his passenger swung open his door and casually stepped out into the right lane. If I hadn’t slammed on the brakes both he and the door would have been my new hood ornaments.
BOUQUET To the lovely lady, I believe her name is Debra, who helped me when I fell onto a curb at Nanaimo North Town Centre. You stayed with me while my husband got help and until the ambulance came. Since I broke my femur I had a total hip replacement. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and caring way.
BEEF To those who pass too close to cyclists. On Bowen Road, don’t I get a half a lane?
BOUQUET Thanks to my neighbour Scott who brought over a piece of mail that was delivered to his house by mistake. It was something important and I feel safer knowing I have kind, honest neighbours.
BEEF To the beefer who asked: “Who is going to pay the taxes for the programs of the provincial and federal NDP parties?” The illustriously wealthy. Next question.
BOUQUET To our dear friends who because once again they couldn’t host their annual Cinco de Mayo gathering put together a delicious party pack and delivered it, socially distancing of course, to everyone’s front door. It was such a generous gesture and such a great lift to the spirit of all the recipients.
BEEF To drivers with unsecured loads of debris on the parkway. A rock larger than my fist smashed right through my sunroof. I’m fortunate to just be left with a car full of broken glass and a repair bill. Two feet away and that would have been my windshield and possibly my life.
BOUQUET To the man who offered to hold a women’s dog while she got her vaccine (and waited 15 minutes afterward. It was too hot to leave the dog in the car and it wasn’t allowed in the vaccine clinic. A beautiful display of kindness.
BEEF To council for all their virtue signalling and parading around their principles, but never walking the talk to implement meaningful change in our city.
BOUQUET To the staff at Applecross Veterinary Clinic especially Dr. Koo who handled the unexpected death of my cat with such warmth and grace. Dr. Koo has been seeing my pets for the last few years and I would highly recommend him.
BEEF To the healthy adults hiding behind phony ‘medical exemptions’ to avoid having to wear a mask in my business.
BOUQUET To Chris at the Costco checkout. He draws on the receipt for the kiddos and always makes us leave with a smile on our face. Thanks for all you do. P.S. Go Canucks!
BEEF To the mother-daughter duo who were rude to the staff at the nail salon. Didn’t like your manicure? Not a good reason to swear and stomp around.
To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail