Beef to the woman focused on her phone, driving a dark-coloured sedan through the Cilaire school zone. Perhaps you could use that same device to research some of the accidents and injuries caused by drivers who can’t seem to stay off their phones whilst behind the wheel.

Beefs & Bouquets, May 5

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To my girls A and A. Us three will be the A team for life! I’m incredibly thankful for our friendship and love you girls so much. Through the dark times we have experienced over the years, we’ve always been each other’s light, hope and strength.

BEEF To the woman focused on her phone, driving a dark-coloured sedan through the Cilaire school zone. Perhaps you could use that same device to research some of the accidents and injuries caused by drivers who can’t seem to stay off their phones whilst behind the wheel. Texting while driving is illegal for a reason. Give your head a shake and please get off your phone.

BOUQUET To Scott of Newlands Outdoor Projects Ltd. I e-mailed Scott one morning with concerns about reactivating my sprinkler system. Scott came over that evening and checked out the whole system. I was very impressed by his promptness and professionalism. Thank you.

BEEF To the woman on the trail with two weimaraners. You passed us once with your young dog barking and lunging. Then you decided to let him off leash and he attacked our dog. People like you shouldn’t be allowed to own big dogs. You are incredibly irresponsible.

BOUQUET Thank you to the staff and customers at HomeSense, paramedic Tim and his partner, nurse Kevin and emergency staff at NRGH. I took a tumble in the parking lot while carrying my toddler and thankfully we’re both all right, but everyone helped to make a scary situation a lot calmer. Thank you to the customer who called for help and also bought me a gift card. I felt so blessed and cared for by complete strangers.

BEEF To the resident who jumped in front of my moving car and yelled at me for speeding. I was not speeding and maybe you should learn to use the sidewalk instead of walking in the road.

BOUQUET To everyone’s input last week. First of all for reading my mind about some important issues in Nanaimo then putting it on paper. Then secondly adding a little spice to the beefs which in turn gave me a little laugh. Thanks Nanaimo, we’re paying attention and looking up.

BEEF To the federal and provincial government. I didn’t realize I lived in a totalitarian police state. When did that happen? And to my neighbours for having a garden party during it all.

BOUQUET To Josh K. and his incredible crew at Shining Knight Construction. They did a fantastic job renovating my laundry room making it better than new, smiling all the time. We need more trades like these on the Island.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for issuing a permit to the television series to film at Brechin Boat Ramp. Is that essential right now?

BOUQUET Thanks to the person who found my credit card that I had unknowingly dropped while at A&W Northridge and another bouquet to staffer Carol, who recognized the card belonged to me and made sure I got it back.

BEEF To the woman on the white Harley driving like she is the only one on the road. You were going at least 120 in a 60 zone and nearly got merged into. Give your head a shake.

BOUQUET To Zefurah. Thank you for making the hard call and keeping us safe.

BEEF To the restaurant on the waterfront that was selling their patrons $20 gift certificates at Christmas time to make extra money. When customers came in for a socially distanced meal and went to pay, they were told that the gift certificates were not being honoured at this time.

BOUQUET To the staff manning the Nanaimo COVID vaccination clinic. Your calm, friendly manner greatly helped reduce the anxiety and stress for this old-timer.

BEEF To Dr. Bonnie for taking over my Law and Order time slot. I need my Lennie Briscoe fix.

BOUQUET To the power-washing guys who cleaned the picnic tables and benches at Neck Point. They have never looked so good.

BEEF To bylaws for evicting a man living in an RV on private property. What? As opposed to all the tents scattered all over the city? Does it mean that the man in question has to remove his RV and live in a tent to be in compliance with the code? I guess it’s easy to pile up on one person instead of dealing with those who are addicted and homeless.

BOUQUET To the writer who thinks the issue of a cell phone tower on Hammond Bay Road needs to be resurrected. Improved cell service is very badly needed in this area.

BEEF Lumber shortages and sky-high prices for fuel. I thought we were a resource-rich country. Come on government, figure it out.

BOUQUET To the man in the white SUV who stopped to see if my dog and I were OK when we were set upon by a very aggressive pit bull along Hammond Bay Road. Thank you. I appreciated your concern.

BEEF To the wasp that stung my dog today. I had to spend all day applying an ice pack and anti-inflammatory medication to his front paw on account of your outlaw behaviour. Leave us alone. You are a blight to our neighbourhood.

BOUQUET To the drivers at Estevan and Brechin intersection. I’m truly sorry for my reckless driving and failing to understand there’s only one lane leading into Estevan. I’m disappointed in my driving behaviour. It will never happen again. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

BEEF To city council and those who are so concerned about the climate emergency. Look around truck city, Nanaimo, and see the number of big shiny trucks without a spot of dirt. It’s obvious these are for unnecessary show and not for business. These contribute more to the problem and it is politically correct to do nothing about this.

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for creating the ‘Nanaimo without a homeless problem’ demonstration park down at the Italian fountain. Now all Nanaimoites can see what our city could look like if our council spent our tax dollars on fixing the homeless crisis, instead of making bike lanes.

BEEF To those of you careless, selfish folks who still do not wear a mask on transit or have it on the chin; you are very immature. You just do not take this seriously and that is why the pandemic is still bad.

BOUQUET To Van Isle True to You Gift Baskets for the lovely gift basket I won playing Bingo Bucks.

BEEF To public health officials for allowing international flights to bring in new COVID variants into B.C.

BOUQUET To all the cheery, efficient, wonderful staff manning the Beban Park vaccination clinic. You all made a slightly nervous situation turn into a calm event that was so easy to go through. Thank you.

BEEF To the beefer. My intention is not to shame families for heating their homes with inefficient fireplaces/wood-burning appliances. I am just stating the fact that wood burning pollutes. The most efficient way to heat your house is an electric air source heat pump.

BOUQUET To the RCMP and bylaws people for the new program of fining for out-of-health-authority travel. Please patrol and check shopping malls and grocery stores. I stopped shopping at one supermarket because of all the out-of-province plates there.

BEEF To the beefer who complained about someone playing the Eagles at their country music Fridays at work. Sounds like a pretty nice workplace and as a longtime country music fan, all I can say is ‘take it easy!’

BOUQUET To Denise at Quality Foods in Harewood. She shops for me every week and is always so cheerful and helpful. Her notes always brighten my delivery day. And she always says hi to Hailey for me.

BEEF To the management of the sports team for not returning monies paid for my 2021 season tickets. I am an 80-year-old senior with declining health and limited mobility and will not be attending any games when or if they come. They will be first in line for handouts by the government.

BOUQUET Thank you Coun. Sheryl Armstrong, you are correct about the mental health facilities. Our government is failing both us and people who require the assistance.

BEEF To people who cheat, and people who date people knowing they are cheating. Does it really take courage to tell the person you spent so much time with the truth? People do deserve closure you know. Ghosting people is horrible too. And people wonder why people have trust issues. Shame on you.

BOUQUET To Blackapple Cellular. They fixed the problem I had with my iPad and when I brought it back with another issue, they fixed it also without charge. Was my first time dealing with them. I was very pleased with their service and will pass the word.

BEEF Who is going to pay the taxes for the programs of the provincial and federal NDP parties?

BOUQUET On a very windy day at Piper’s Lagoon, I found a note on my windshield when I returned to my car. An apology and name and phone number were on the note. Their car door had swung open and put a dent in my door. I am so happy to know there are people still around who are kind and honest. Thank you.

BEEF To employers for not doing temperature checks on employees. You should be doing everything to keep us all safe. And all malls and grocery stores should have it also.

BOUQUET To a young man who helped lift my mother after she slid off her wheelchair to the ground. We were outside TD Bank at Terminal Park Mall. Our whole family appreciated the kindness extended in our moment of need. Never thought to ask your name. Thank you so much.

BEEF Hey you Cedar people. When you read a sign that says ‘private property,’ it means it’s not yours so keep out and don’t come back.

BOUQUET To Garry at Mid Island Auto Collision who was so helpful and understanding when my car was damaged in a hit and run. He and the team did a great job and I really appreciate it.

BEEF To public transit. Why is there not a limit of how many people can be on the bus at one time?

BOUQUET Thank you to lovely woman who returned my driver’s licence lost at Linley Valley. Wish there were more people out there like you.

BEEF To the Alberta driver in the pickup turning onto Hammond Bay Road from Applecross Road. You were talking on your cellphone and didn’t stop at the crosswalk for my husband and I. Three strikes; you’re out.

BOUQUET To Pam, Julie, Lorelle, Jenn, Deb, Sue, Bev, Cheri and Chloe – the rock star team of housekeepers at Wexford Creek. You are appreciated beyond measure.

BEEF To the city councillors. They should be a lot more concerned about the continuing priority issues that are still plaguing Nanaimo, not about extending their time in office.

BOUQUET To Walter at Alltech Electronics Service. He fixed a problem with my DVD player. Many thanks.

BEEF I am 63 going on 64 but still I’ve not got my COVID-19 shot.

BOUQUET To the RCMP officers who arrested the two anti-maskers. Beef to the anti-maskers, you were both very lucky that it was only a $460 fine, because if I was the judge I would have added further criminal charges.

BEEF To some members of Nanaimo city council and Lantzville council who advocate a cessation of old-growth logging. Will you deny others to have a wooden home or a paycheque as you do?

BOUQUET To Coast Appliances for friendly and helpful service as we shopped for home appliances.

BEEF To the car dealership that mailed marketing materials to local households containing non-recyclable plastic items. These will have to go in the garbage and add more landfill waste.

BOUQUET To Mr. Shahi at NDSS. There aren’t many leaders who take the time to really get to know their students and staff. You make a difference in many lives and we thank you for it.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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