To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

Beefs & Bouquets, Nov. 26

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the B.C. Ferries worker who went above and beyond to help fill in the required information for the travel assistance form. It helped us get on the ferry on time for a medical appointment.

BEEF To the Nob Hill neighbour who complains about parking in the neighbourhood and then chooses to leave their driveway empty and park on the street, leaving less spaces for visitors and those without driveways.

BOUQUET To Emily, who found and kindly returned my stolen red wallet from the bushes. It is encouraging to know that there are people who go out of their way and truly care about others.

BEEF To the rude customers who drink and drive and don’t even have the decency to gargle or chew gum before they talk in your face.

BOUQUET To the couple in the booth behind us who paid for our dinner. By that time they had left, so my friend and I didn’t get to thank them. We are both seniors and so appreciated this act of kindness. We hope you read this as we would like to thank you.

BEEF To beefer who beefed about the Harewood skate park. Why so bitter? You should be happy kids are getting their exercise instead of playing on technology all day.

BOUQUET To Const. Cottington of the Nanaimo RCMP. He does his police home work, acts in a professional manner and cares about the community. We who live here should be honored that he makes a conscientious effort to make our streets safe. He taught me that no matter how minor the offence, it is important that we do our part to make the situation right.

BEEF To those who let their dogs run on the top field at McGirr Elementary School. Pick up your dog’s poop. The kids playing at recess and lunch should not have to worry about stepping in your dog’s poop.

BOUQUET To Pharmasave staff at Beaufort Centre. One found me an ice cream bar and let me stay and eat it.

BEEF To transit for no longer making bus schedules available unless you are on the bus. We don’t all have computers and smart phones.

BOUQUET To Cindy at Haven House for her sage advice and unwavering support during the past two years. Also, deepest heartfelt thanks to Cam, previously stationed with the RCMP in Nanaimo, for his extraordinary calm, empathy and professionalism during my time of crisis. I am now in a safe place and think of you often.

BEEF To the flu vaccine. I got my shot but I still got the flu bug.

BOUQUET To the kind lady who chased after me in the parking lot of Country Club Centre to return my debit card which I had left in the ATM. Thank you.

BEEF To Premier Christy Clark. If you still continue to tell falsehoods about the wonders of LNG and spend the imaginary money that the B.C. taxpayers do not have, you will get the Pinocchio nose.

BOUQUET To the big hedging job on Gleneagle. Well done by Douw of Gardens Alive. Our yard looks great.

BEEF To the lady who walked into a grocery store at closing and asked for “cases on sale.” The cashier asked you what type of cases and you were very rude to her. She was trying to do her job and you didn’t give her a chance.

BOUQUET To Mitch and Graham at Newcastle Nissan for my new 2011 Murano. It’s great and so are you guys. Thanks for going the extra mile.

BEEF To the government. I know that every Muslim is not a terrorist, but is it worth letting in 25,000 refugees if even one of them is a terrorist?

BOUQUET To Rick Mace Construction for the awesome job he did in refacing our kitchen cabinets. I would highly recommend his work. Great people to deal with.

BEEF To the pregnancy centre. You advertise as being non-judgmental and impartial, but you clearly have other opinions. I don’t appreciate having your personal beliefs brought into a discussion about my life.

BOUQUET To Rotary Club of Nanaimo North for sponsoring a monthly community breakfast at the Salvation Army New Hope Centre. Your good work is appreciated.

BEEF To the person complaining about the Star-Spangled Banner being played at the Remembrance Day services. Veterans from Bremerton, Wash. come every year to participate and honour our veterans.  Canadians and Americans fought side by side, protected each other and nursed each other’s troops during the Second World War. If you really must be bitter, consider directing it toward our enemies, not our allies.

BOUQUET To the parents and trick-or-treaters who were out on Halloween in the Rutherford school are. You stopped to listen about our missing little dog. Thank you. We found her safe and sound.

BEEF To insurance companies whose 2015-16 calendars mark numerous religious and cultural celebrations, including Star Wars Day and Kwanzaa, but have glaringly omitted National Aboriginal Day. This is not just embarrassing, but unconscionable oversight.

BOUQUET To Pomme Natural Market. I went there looking for gastro-relief capsules. They did not have any on the shelf; a staff member, Pablo, phoned about five stores to see if they had some and found some for me.

BEEF The Nanaimo RCMP are giving notice to stores selling marijuana. I do not hear the RCMP giving notice to the marijuana growing plant in Cedar. If it is fair for one it should be fair for both.

BOUQUET To Marlene. Words cannot express our appreciation for everything you did for me before and after surgery. Thank you, dear friend.

BOUQUET To the Remembrance Day organizers for playing the Star-Spangled Banner at the Nov. 11 ceremony. More than 30,000 U.S. citizens joined the Canadian Armed Forces between Sept. 10, 1939 and December 7, 1941. Some switched to the U.S. forces after Pearl Harbor; the majority did not. I salute our American friends and neighbours.

BOUQUET To Angel and her enthusiastic and energetic zumba classes. She makes hard work fun with good music, great moves and comical facial expressions. Her work ethic and positive attitude are greatly appreciated.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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