Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 29

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Bouquets of Rainbows to Ryan and Rebecca of Rainbow International Restoration and Cleaning services for their professional expertise when our cottage flooded. Right from the beginning you were courteous, respectful and knowledgeable about the cleaning and restoration process. Thank you for going above and beyond to assist our family and our tenants. With gratitude, the Brown and Skytte families.

Three cheers to the great folks at Central Island Youth Soccer Academy. They have no wait lists or deadlines for enrolling and continually welcome new players. We are so glad that we heard about their program.

Hats off to Ricky’s All Day Grill. My wife and l ate supper at Ricky’s for the first time recently. We were impressed with the service, quality, portions and price. Plus they have 10 per cent off for seniors. That was a bonus. We look forward to going back.

Bouquets of Sunbursts to Mid-Island Sundecks for getting our sundeck done so promptly this summer. Steve is great to deal with. Steve and Mike not only installed our vinyl ahead of schedule, but they also did it professionally and affordably. A bright spot in the renovation world.

A bouquet of catnip to Dr. Yeomans, Dr. Milton and the fabulous staff at Applecross Veterinary Hospital for their compassion and empathy for me during the passing of Kat. Your time and care was greatly appreciated.

Bouquets to the men in the Costco tire department who watched our grocery cart while we went shopping elsewhere. When we returned to pick up our vehicle, they had kindly loaded our groceries and as it was a hot day had put the perishables into our ice chest.

a bouquet of thanks to the gentleman who followed me home to tell me my tire was just about flat.

thanks to my neighbour Marie at Buttertubs for looking after my place.

MEGA GRATEFUL pixels to Frank at Country Club Centre’s Shoppers Drug Mart. You take excellent passport pictures that passed with flying colours in Victoria. You are also an awesome supervisor. I shall furthermore extend my thanks to your HQ office.

A BIG BOUQUET of thank yous to Darren and Daniel for all they did to ensure our bus stop was not so far from home. What you did is greatly appreciated.

HAPPY MOTORING to the kind gentleman who left a note on my windshield informing me that my left front tire had a nail in it. I had it fixed before it was damaged.

THANK YOU to the Nanaimo News Bulletin. We won tickets to see Good Timber and now Elvis. Thanks for letting us bring in hand-written entry forms instead of having to enter online. I don’t like using computers often.

A huge bouquet of roses to the staff at Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers for the quick service with a smile. Staff made my complicated moving situation a little easier. Everything was done in 10 minutes with a couple of mouse clicks and a reassurance that it would be no problem.

A bouquet to my beautiful girlfriend for making me a wonderful dinner and helping me relax upon my arrival home after an extremely stressful and tiring weekend away.

a bouquet to the Welcome Wagon for being so helpful and informative to Nanaimo newcomers.

A rope bag full of blossoms to all my teammates who helped train and prepare us for our successful weekend evaluation. We couldn’t have done it with out your support, guidance and encouragement. Our success is yours also.

A huge bouquet for Leah, who was at Woodgrove Centre recently when our daugher started choking and turning blue. We are extremely grateful for your help as you no doubt saved her life.

A beef to my cranky neighbour who was out on her deck during the day, yelling at the trombone player to go inside his house to practise and to stop bothering her.

A crosswalk beef to pedestrians who think they can just enter a crosswalk and cars will stop, especially on dark mornings and evenings when it’s wet out and you’re wearing all black. Drivers can’t see you and aren’t expecting you. Grade 2 rules apply: look both ways and wait for traffic to clear. If I hit you I may be charged, but you’ll be dead.

a Big beef to a national company that charges 30 per cent more for lower quality products and charges for things that their Island competitors give to customers for free.

a beef. All summer I have seen dogs on the beaches at Piper’s Lagoon and Departure Bay in spite of the signs that state that dogs are not permitted on the beach. Might I suggest that the signs be lowered so that dogs can read them.

A huge beef to the driver waiting for the light to change at Norwell Drive and the Island Highway recently. You were talking on your cellphone. You were in traffic, not parked on the side of the road. Are you somehow exempt from the new law regarding cellphones? I wish I had gotten your licence number and reported you to your head office, but I was in the turn lane when the light changed. Lucky you.

a beef to farmers in Lantzville and around the world. How come you haven’t figured out how to genetically engineer smaller cabbages? Seriously, can anyone buy and eat a whole cabbage without being totally sick of cabbage by the end?

a beef. When will it stop? When are we going to stop giving to the people who take and take? Free accommodation for the drug users.  What about the employed who are struggling with low wages and high rents, food and utility bills? Low rent for them in the house behind the bingo hall or on Uplands Drive would be money better spent.

Beefs to all the agencies that are doing too much for the homeless and nothing for low-income workers. Our daughter is working to support herself and her son on a low income with no support from any agency. Let low-income workers move into those apartments behind the bingo hall and on Uplands Drive. Enough free handouts to those who will not help themselves.

A BEEF to the lady watching the fawn die slowly and painfully. That is very inhumane and disturbing.

A BIG DUMPSTER FULL OF GARBAGE in the sun to the employees and staff at a Nanaimo business who still (even with proper bins provided) throw their recyclables into the garbage dumpster.

A beef to the young woman on Comox Road who refused to let another driver change lanes. He signalled appropriately and there was plenty of room in front of you. Instead you pulled ahead to block him and also blocked traffic through the Wallace Street intersection. Nice driving.

A beef to all drivers who failed to drive according to conditions during the recent monsoon. Slowing down just a bit might cost you a minute or two in reaching your destination, but crashing will cost you and others a lot more time and hassle, and possibly pain and anguish.

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