BOUQUET To the ‘graffiti’ artist who has put up artwork on random street posts around Nanaimo. Seeing them makes me smile. A Canadian Banksy is in our midst
BEEF To computer hackers who turn an e-mail into blackmail.
BOUQUET To City of Nanaimo’s best summer camp leader Deanna. You do a great job and really care for my child and all the kids, for that matter.
BEEF To people strumming the harp for Cecil the lion. I would love to see these same people raise their voices in defence of the millions of human babies being aborted.
BOUQUET To the most amazing dad who taught my sister and I to never give up. Congrats on your first hole-in-one.
BEEF To the five elected councillors. It is time to grow up and quit acting like school children and applause to the other four who are attempting to run our city as a business.
BOUQUET To Brandon at Nightlife Entertainment for putting on such an awesome Obie Trice show and all the other awesome shows like Nick Gilder and MadChild. I hope you continue to bring other amazing artists to town.
BEEF To the slobs who left their fast food takeout in the parking lot of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. If everyone treated our city like this, we would live in a ghetto. Have some pride in yourself and your surroundings.
BOUQUET To the wonderful person who found my wallet in a buggy outside of Costco. Thank you so much – you really made my day. Hugs to you.
BEEF To the charities that use most of donations for administration and huge salaries of CEOs. I give to the Salvation Army which does a lot of good without keeping a lot for administration.
BOUQUET To my good friend, Wayne Corrigan, who saved my wiener dog’s life from heat stroke by giving him mouth-to-mouth and CPR. He is my hero.
BEEF To the manager who thinks being rude and nasty to employees is a management style.
BOUQUET To Quality Foods for the great fireworks display at Bathtub weekend. They contribute to our community in so many ways.
BEEF To a grocery store. I purposely went in for items that I have bought before and did not pay tax. But today suddenly they changed the rule.
BOUQUET To Mayor Bill McKay plus city councillors Diane Brennan, Wendy Pratt and Ian Thorpe for signing the code of conduct. Classy and professional.
BEEF To the Jeff Gordon wannabes who can’t afford mufflers and use Poplar Street as a drag strip. Three new motorcycle heroes also don’t use stop signs.
BOUQUET To American politicians. I should be paying attention to the Canadian election but the American one is so hilarious. Nobody could write this stuff.
BEEF To drivers who think it is OK to doodle in the passing lane. Please move over.
BOUQUET For Wade, a kind man who treated us, Trish and Graham, to dinner at the casino. Much appreciated.
BEEF To the lodge that outsted its best governor then fired its best bartender.
BOUQUET To Tammy at FYi Doctors who spent an hour solving the problem of my broken glasses and then said there was no charge. Exceptional service, exceptional person.
BEEF To the beefer about the mess at Wellington Secondary School. Maybe if you twitch your nose it’ll magically disappear.
BOUQUET To Rob’s Yardwork and Hauling for the nice work they did on my yard, deck, etc. The price was good also.
BEEF Changes to the bus schedule are not great at all. Got to leave much earlier on Saturday for work and stay longer after work. Wonder if they will ever get it right.
BOUQUET To Jay and the staff at Nanaimo Medical Care Club. They truly do have their hearts in the right place. Their knowledge of the different uses, and how it pertains to the type of pain I have, my family was very impressed.
BEEF To the people who donate, along with their cans and bottles to the charity that I volunteer with, their empty propane canisters, leftover food, bottles filled with cigarette butts and other disgusting garbage.
BOUQUET To the people who donate their cans and bottles to the charity that I volunteer with.
BEEF To those who dump their garbage all over town because they refuse to pay $6 for the dump fee. You’re turning Nanaimo into Surrey by the sea.
BOUQUET To all involved in repaving the Wellington and Northfield roads section of the Parkway Trail. It is a huge improvement and makes for a smooth ride.
BOUQUET To Darian in the produce department at Wal-Mart. Always extremely polite, very helpful, and knowledgeable. An absolute pleasure to deal with. A great asset to your store.
BEEF To the two female assistants at the sports store who didn’t offer me any assistance when my knee buckled and I had to cling to a display cabinet for support. A chair would have been appreciated.
BOUQUET To Mr. Foreman and son of Winchester Street for the help you rendered when my wife was suffering from a low blood sugar reaction. Our deepest gratitude and thanks.
BEEF To the bicycle lanes on Boundary Road. Somebody is going to get hurt with the confusing lanes.
BOUQUET To all Nanaimo’s hard workers. Enjoy your Labour Day weekend.
BEEF To the mayor for not removing his cap during the singing of O Canada at the football game. Perhaps it’s time to review etiquette during playing of the national anthem
BOUQUET To the staff at Harris Kia, particularly Jeremy, sales manager, and Grant, in sales. I have bought a lot of cars in my life and have never received the attention and respect these two men afforded me.
To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail