Berkey’s Corner development crazy

I think it is ludicrous that they are even considering building what they have proposed at Berkey’s corner

I think it is ludicrous that they are even considering building what they have proposed at Berkey’s corner; the only purpose would be collecting more tax money to do what with?

Build more roundabouts that half of this city’s population can’t navigate correctly?

As someone that lives close and works right in that area the traffic is horrendous now. I wait sometimes over five to seven minutes just to get onto that road when leaving work because of the constant stream of vehicles.

We do not need any more mall type structures. The complex where Walmart was built is only about a mile and a half away. The empty stores that are sitting there — not to mention all over the rest of this town — is already crazy. Utilize these spaces first if someone wants to open a business. They are talking about giving up even more green space and ruining another residential area. And for what? Maybe another fast food place, gas station, or another liquor store.

This is all this town is full of and we certainly don’t need more of them.

If you’re going to use this land, build some type of manufacturing plant or industry, maybe greenhouses can supply local produce. Something that we desperately need to create jobs in this town.

Then maybe some of these other stores wouldn’t be sitting empty a short time after opening because people that can find work could afford to shop in them.


G. Montgomery


Cowichan Valley Citizen