Better bike lanes needed in Langley Township

It is incumbent on those who build our roads and streets that there be a higher level of perception about bike lanes.

Editor: Spring has sprung

The grass has riz

I wonder where the bike lane is.

Now that the good weather is upon us, one can see the streets and avenues dotted with cyclists preparing for races and marathons, and leisure riding.

I use a hand cycle and can be found riding on many of the byways of our Township. I have observed that many streets and avenues south of 40 Avenue are totally devoid of a bike lane, and where one might be possible, it can be found littered with branches, broken glass, and various sizes of rock and gravel.

It has been reported that, last year, 2,157 Greater Vancouver cyclists were injured, so it is incumbent on those who build our roads and streets that there be a higher level of perception about bike lanes.

How often do we hear the slogan “Go Green” from both government and media? There are those who will gladly park the gas guzzler for the cycle if their safety and accessibility is taken under consideration.

Bicycles today are often high tech, not much resembling the one-speed our grandfathers rode and are pretty pricey. Mine cost $6,000. They are not always insurable.

A little bit of closer scrutiny is of great importance to those who choose to ride bicycles or other kinds of cycles. Without belabouring the issue even further, since this has been reported on at least once before already, it is this writer’ contention that Township council and staff make it a a higher consideration to making the streets and avenues more cycle-friendly.

If any of the Township councillors are cyclists, they will appreciate where this writer is coming from. The Langley Walk (which includes cycles) is fast approaching.

Let us hope that it is successful and safe.

Ken Hinton,


Langley Times