Beware a flood of political misinformation

Beware a flood of political misinformation

Launching a new Canada-wide arm "with the aim of taking down Trudeau."

Beware a flood of political misinformation

iPolitics reported that Ontario Proud, an organization founded and directed by a wing of Stephen Harper’s government, is launching a new Canada-wide arm “with the aim of taking down Trudeau.”

Andrew Scheer’s Campaign Director Hamish Mar “spoke on a panel about ‘rallying the base’ by using friendly interest groups that operate independently of the party.”

It’s clear Ontario Proud or Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives will do whatever they can, ethical or not, to take Justin Trudeau’s Liberals down. They’re flooding the media with lies that many will believe; and so Canada may go down the drain in a flood misinformation.

John Mc Donald


Cowichan Valley Citizen