Things are a little hectic at the North Pole as Santa Claus gets ready for his global flight, spreading joy to one and all.

Things are a little hectic at the North Pole as Santa Claus gets ready for his global flight, spreading joy to one and all.

Adding to the pace are the last minute requests, including a few from the North Okanagan.

“We started a tradition in our family where we don’t give each other gifts, but instead make donations to different organizations on behalf of each other. There’s nothing more wonderful than seeing a receipt under the tree from someone letting me know that they’ve made a contribution in my name to someone that really needs it.” Andrew Allen, entertainer

“Everyone knows what I want, it’s Brad Pitt. My wish hasn’t been granted because I always end up on the naughty list.” – Dalvir Nahal, Vernon city councillor

“Peace on Earth,  brother, peace on Earth.” – Darby Mills, lead singer of the Headpins

“The Enderby food bank would love to find under the tree a magical box that when you open it up, it turns into a brand new resource building.” – Scott Hemenway, Feed Enderby and District Food Bank chairperson

“Snow, pow, white abyss, neige, schnee… and a partridge buried in a snow-covered pear tree. Oh yeah, and lots of happy, smiling skiers and snowboarders.” – Brad Baker, Silver Star Mountain Resort operations director

“My daughters once asked what I wanted for Christmas and I told them respect. I was told nope, sorry, is there anything else? Sadly, I still haven’t got what I asked for at Christmas, but I’m still trying.” – Byron Louis, Okanagan Indian Band chief

“For the holiday season, the best gift of all under my tree would be all of my family members under one roof for Christmas. Other gifts I’d like to find are, Barbara Ann Scott figure skates, a trip to Las Vegas to hear Celine Dion in concert and for all children to experience the happiness and joy of Christmas. These are high expectations for Santa but that comes with age.” – Carol Wutzke, Vernon and District Immigrant Services Society executive director

“For Christmas I would like to thank our donors, volunteers and everyone in our community who helps us make a difference in the lives of people with diverse abilities because together we do make a difference.” – Cindy Masters, Kindale Developmental Association development officer

“I would like deep tracks in fresh fluff, sharp skates on fast ice, creamed-up coffee, food, fun, family and festival, warm boots with no holes and a woolly toque.” – Hank Cameron, Cherryville director

“Taking the day off from work and spending the time with my family is the best gift I can have. I’m blessed to be able to do it.” – On Ouchs, Rice Box owner and philanthropist

“To help with my fisheries file, I wish for a new species of fish that would eat only invasive species (zebra mussels, milfoil), is an excellent fighting fish for sport anglers and fine eating so we could contribute all those caught to help our food banks. I wish for a rich benefactor (the names Gates and Trump come to mind) to fund our highways projects, and perhaps if Mayor Akbal Mund and I wish hard enough, we will see increased parking in downtown Vernon.” – Mel Arnold, North Okanagan-Shuswap MP.

No matter what you find under the tree, I wish you all a season full of peace and joy.

A very merry Christmas and all of the best during the new year.


Vernon Morning Star