First of all, I would like to thank you for putting my last letter in your new column (Boo to poo, Gazette, Jan. 10). I was a little disappointed that part of it was edited out. I understand that happens due to allowable space; however, I feel the point edited out was one that needed to be made regarding signs put up by the municipality:
“The municipality does not help the situation. I believe the on-leash areas should be where kids and others play and walk, not down by the treatment plant where no one goes. Seriously, who thought that one out?”
I guess the main reason this has stuck in my craw is having to take little ones home to change after rolling in dog feces in the park areas. Not nice!
I have been known to run across the street to take someone a bag or remind someone to clean up after their dog. Maybe we all need to start reminding those who do not clean up to do so when we see it happen. And to thank those who do.
Again, I do not mean to be a fecal agitator, but if we do not keep at it, it will never change. So come on, Port Hardy — let’s remember that the green spaces are for everyone to enjoy. Not just your dog.
Tim Bird
Port Hardy