Boycott provincial election

Blatant political opportunism



Boycott provincial election

Our premier recently got stars in his eyes because of all the good press. This has caused him to listen to his handlers Let’s call an early election. It will be fine. Not too many people will unneccessarily get COVID (I estimate 40 or so) from showing up at a voting station. And of those who do get it, surely maybe at most one will die. All in all it is horribly self-centred and very poor form to be having an election now. This election is all about stroking Horgan’s ego and you can tell that is what it obviously is; he has that guilty look of a person with their hand in the cookie jar.

I alway vote but not this time. I am going to boycott this election and I hope many others do, too. I know Horgan will just brush off the low turnout but I think it sends a message. This election should have been for the fall of 2021 or even delayed to a fifth year. What is being done now is cringeworthy in its blatant political opportunism while sending out happy propaganda that we will all be fine.

Jeremy Barnes


Cowichan Valley Citizen