Build it and they will come

Former Calgary resident believes a new recreation complex would bring more people to Greater Vernon

Richard Rolke made mention in his column (The infrastructure deficit) about the migration of people from larger cities to Vernon, and how those people would look at Vernon’s available recreational opportunities and facilities in their consideration of moving to Vernon.

My wife Liana and I moved here from Calgary about nine years ago and started our family here. We spent many vacations on Okanagan lake before making our decision to move to Vernon, like so many others who now call Vernon home. After coming here self-employed as an Internet entrepreneur, I have also worked in the tech sector in various places around Vernon and now own two local small business tech companies.

My wife and I are a couple of the people Richard was talking about in his editorial.

We did enjoy a wide choice of facilities and activities in the big city of Calgary that you simply wouldn’t expect to be found in a smaller city like Vernon. It’s just a fact that a big city like Calgary or Vancouver would have a lot more money, tax base, private and business investment to be able to build and run those large state-of-the-art facilities. One of the places I particularly loved and miss to this day is the Eau Claire Y near Princess Island Park downtown. Again, the Eau Claire Y is a huge place, built in a big city, where I can see why and how they can keep it running. It’s also run by the YMCA.

While our main reason for moving here was the Okanagan lifestyle and the moderate weather, I also ventured out to explore the facilities that Vernon had to offer. A part of my workout time was typically spent on a stationary bike, and the other half doing laps in the pool. With the only public pool in Vernon being at the recreation complex, I went there and bought a pass. I quickly realized the workout gym was very small. The equipment was extremely out of date and not even really usable.

I had conversations with the employees at the rec complex about replacing or updating the bike, to which I was told that getting money for replacing the old equipment was almost impossible. It’s been a couple of years now since I have checked to see if it has been replaced, but the overall quality of all the equipment there has kept me from bothering to even attempt to return and find out. The pool itself is adequate in its function, yet over-used and stretched in its schedule so finding time to drop in for laps can be challenging. I’ve gone at various times, and some times are busier than others. I do get the feeling that with a pool this size serving the whole of Vernon and surrounding area, a second pool facility would serve well. There is no other place in Vernon where you can workout on gym machines, and then go for a swim.

A short while ago, I saw the article regarding money needed for repairs at the rec complex, and the subject of possibly building a new facility. This made me particularly excited. I know Vernon’s population has a large amount of back and forth and differing opinions when it comes to money and large projects, but the building of a whole new recreation complex has our personal backing. I think, “if you build it, they will come.”

Look at how busy the parking lots are at the local gyms that have nice equipment. Look at the amount of people that go to the pool. The facilities are under demand. How many times have you or your family made the drive to the H20 Centre in Kelowna because of its amazing amenities? The YMCA H20 Centre is an amazing example of a recreation centre and would be a dream come true for Vernon. If you haven’t been there yet, I highly recommend a visit. It’s one of Kelowna’s trophy buildings that they can proudly brag about. Perhaps our local government or regional district could consider courting the YMCA and see if there is a relationship to be had. Maybe the YMCA would have an interest in setting up here in Vernon in the future (Yes, I realize the difference between the YMCA and a publicly run facility).

I am simply a tech guy and local resident, not a politician or city accountant. I can dream of a far better public facility than the current rec complex to take my children to locally without having to drive to Kelowna. Realistically, I know the chances are slim of a whole new building. I just hope if we (the people of Vernon and area) choose to do it, the designers choose to do it right and build something that blows us all away.

A new centerpiece that our city can boast about and people come from miles around to visit. I would be first in line for a membership.

Mike Bjerstedt



Vernon Morning Star

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