Buy B.C.

Re: front page story titled: “Prices plummet for fruit growers.”

In case you missed this important article in The Morning Star it “warned that the economy could sustain a body-blow if low prices permanently cripple the tree fruit sector.”

It stated that the average price for last fall’s apple crop was 12.6 cents/lb. while the cost of production was 22 cents/lb. It talked about the Americans having all kinds of crafty ways of subsidies and Canada doesn’t question them and how NAFTA allows apples to be shipped from south of the border unfettered.

We can argue that the government should subsidize the fruit growers or believe the free trade agreement is bad for Canadians but in the end the almighty dollar has the power and we the consumer make the decisions.

Don’t accept the American subsidy money to purchase Washington apples instead of B.C. Tell your grocer you want to “buy B.C.” and frequent the stores that do.

Support our local farmers markets. We have a wonderful farmers market that runs from May to October every Monday and Thursday morning at the Wesbild Centre parking lot and Friday evenings at the north end of the Village Green Mall parking lot.

Armstrong also has a farmers market Saturday mornings at the IPE grounds. And it doesn’t have to end in October, we now have a farmers market every second Wednesday, 3 to 6 p.m. at the Army Navy and Air Force Unit, 2500 46th Avenue.

They not only have beautiful apples but other produce such as potatoes, onions, beets and carrots, organic beef and turkeys, home baking and canning and much more.

When we do this we not only support hard-working farmers from our community who spend their money in our businesses but we make an environmental impact as well by reducing emissions from shipping.

We all know how long it can take to change the things our governments do, so let’s change things ourself and protect an industry that pumps 200 million dollars a year into the valley’s economy and is an important part of our heritage.

Our orchards are the essence of the Okanagan and if we lose the tree fruit industry we also lose a vital part of the Okanagan’s beauty.

Rob Morris




Vernon Morning Star