Call display keeps uninvited strangers at bay

If you are going to hear about some sort of phone scam it will have to do with a senior person. We will want to buy something we don’t need or have some home repairs done that are not on the up and up.

If you are going to hear about some sort of phone scam it will have to do with a senior person. We will want to buy something we don’t need or have some home repairs done that are not on the up and up.

I was thinking about this since it was a few days ago that a new telephone came to this home. Just buying the phone was interesting and a tad confusing. I could buy one with a little stand. This phone I could pack about with me. I would need a GPS thing on it so I could find the darn phone.

Finally we settled on a phone that would stay where it was plugged in. It also had big numbers so I could see what I wanted to dial. Just a few simple things to do and it was good to go. All well and good if the print in the instruction book was not so darn small.  Why the big numbers? Didn’t the phone people know only someone that couldn’t see well would want that kind of clutzy phone? I used the magnifying glass to read the instructions and everything came together.

Call display and the answering machine features made sure I would not get hooked on the line with someone wanting me to buy this or that. I was not lined up to do an aggravating survey.

So, tell me do you have an answering machine? A great feature if you are inclined to breaking your neck to get that call. The machine will answer for you making it so you can call your people when it suits you.

If you have an old crackly kind of voice it might be a good idea to have someone else say your message for you. No sense telling some unscrupulous soul that you are old, frail and on your own.

Why call display? It will show you who is calling so you don’t answer those calls from far away. Since the new phone came to live here calls have come to us from Michigan, New York, Florida, California and so on. I don’t know folks from those places and if I did they can leave a message.

Some of those odd ball calls will leave a message. One is a septic tank person. Another is a bank somewhere that wants to help me with my account. Mind you I don’t have account with the bank calling me.

Another annoying call is from a captain calling me from his ship. If I call back I just might win a trip somewhere with this fellow. Forget about it! Call someone else. I didn’t call back of course because I have an answering machine and call display.

Just a little off the topic I must tell you about the nice envelope with a handwritten address just for me. Inside the rather large manila envelope was a heap of bubble wrap and a little package containing one stinking thing to stick on my nose so I could breath at night. Now, tell me what is that all about?

How many of you received that dooey?

Back on topic. Make sure you check out an answering machine and call display feature for your phone. Just a simple thing to make our lives easier and probably safer.

Here is a P.S. for you. Last week I told you to listen to the CKUA radio show called “The Road Home.” Forgot to tell you the time. It is at 8:30 in the evening Monday to Thursday and in the mornings at 4:00. You can get it on the TV  at 828 if you have satellite or on your computer.

Leave a message on my machine when you call 250-846-5095 or just e-mail a note to

Smithers Interior News