I was somewhat surprised that in the midst of city elections, that a decision was made by Vernon council to ignore an existing bylaw prohibiting election signs on public rights-of-way.
The reasons reportedly were that it was “like Christmas for bylaws (Quiring),” and “extra money for policing the bylaw (Lord).” Other reasons apparently included that it had never been enforced before.
A good question but why was this not addressed by either councillor over the last three years?
With my, albeit limited knowledge respecting signs on highways, I do understand that the limitation on the proliferation of highway and roadway signs is based on safety, not aesthetics, and that unnecessary signing is an added driver distraction and consequently, the potential cause of an accident.
Signs or notice boards are by their very nature intended to be noticed, ie. attract the attention of people and consequently distracting drivers from their attention to driving. Distracted driving nowadays attracts hefty fines because it causes accidents. Any signing that contributes to distracted driving must surely be discouraged.
I’m sure that is part of the need for a bylaw restricting not only election signs but all signs. Safety must be paramount and override the needs of mayoralty and councillor candidates to publicize their election ambitions.
If it is necessary that a formal complaint be received prior to bylaws doing their duty, please consider this a formal complaint with respect to safety and that bylaw staff immediately proceed with the enforcement of the existing bylaw and removal of all non-conforming signs.
Eric Gibson