I live in North Campbell River and I have a couple of questions.
Is Campbellton not part of Campbell River, and do the people of Campbellton not pay their taxes to the City of Campbell River? When the Campbellton
Neighborhood Association asked City Council for a measly $3,000, they were denied. Instead they were granted $1260; enough to pay their rent. The potholes in the main highway through Campbellton are repaired by dumping gravel in the holes and posting a sign to warn traffic of loose gravel.
I can’t help wondering how much the final bill will be when St. Anne’s Road is finally complete after all the work done and then torn up and done again properly. Now I see they are tearing up the stupid Island in front of
Chances again, to put in a crosswalk. Why didn’t they just close the road to all traffic and make it pedestrian only?
Willow Point got their share and now the City is getting all the attention.
When will Campbellton see some of their tax dollars spent in their area??
Joy Shuster