Can Toronto a’Ford’ any more embarassment?

Toronto’s ’bad boy’ Mayor Rob Ford is receiving more than his share of media coverage these days.

Is nothing sacred anymore?

Toronto’s ’bad boy’ Mayor Rob Ford is receiving more than his share of media coverage these days. Not only in Canada, but worldwide attention has been portraying in detail the man behind the ‘Chain of Office’ adornment. It has been going on for so long, even the viewing public is becoming tired of the tediously endless news feeds, Facebook and Twitter threads, jokes, cartoons and wise-cracking (pun intended) television host monologues to put anyone to sleep.

How can one person create such political havoc in such a short period of time? He’s been in office for less than 3 years as mayor, creating a torrential frenzy in the political arena making one wonder if the thin ice he’s created for himself will ever be sustainable enough to skate on. So far, as the cracks grow ever more pronounced (pun intended). I certainly don’t think Torontonians are holding their breath in the hope that they will be lacing up their bladed footwear anytime soon.

Ford’s stories never manage to reach that inglorious conclusion as the media continues to uncover more and more disclosure. Meanwhile, the ongoing blemish on our Canadian pride persists as those around him forever attempt to slide the garbage pile further and further to the back of the landfill.  Those closest to the mayhem are praying at the very least that this episode of behavior unbecoming of a man of his status, will be hidden away in the history books as the nation’s worst blunder ever in our history. It will forever be remembered as Canada’s ‘disaster of the century.’ For now, it’s comedic fodder.

It is clear the man doesn’t appear to be aware of just how far his once ‘Personal & Confidential’ envelope of bad conduct has slid, and nor does he seem to care. I’d say all the way down the side of the CN Tower, only to be picked up by a rather hefty wind gust, blowing it into an unsuspecting post office, and eventually landing in the International ‘out’ bin.

Just because the man finally publicly ‘fessed’ up to doing crack, drinking to excess (the infamous ’drunken stupor’ excuse) resulting in more than one DUI and other indiscretions. If there’s more to add, we’ll just have to tune into the late night shows or the local news to find out.

Allegedly, his life’s dream was to be an all star football player (which didn’t pan out), so he followed in his father’s footsteps, immersed himself in politics and worked his way to become the big cheese of Ontario’s largest metropolis. It seems that his ability to master the necessary skills on the gridiron took a detour and hit the political arena. At least there he thought he wouldn’t have to wear a helmet, padding and a double-digit number on his chest. Currently, that number he wears today is in the minus.

So, if you have even the slightest bit of integrity left,  do the right thing, Mayor. Ford….step down, get some much needed help and go back to working at the label company you and brother Doug Jr. inherited from the late Doug Sr. After all, you’ve had enough of them directed at you to make you an expert in the field.

As far as that envelope goes, we’ll be forever grateful that someone had the wherewithal to stamp Return To Sender on it‘s tattered, well traveled face. I, however, have no doubt the tax-payers will be stuck with the ensuing postage – and if you have a few bucks to spare, buy yourself a butthead…er ..bobblehead of Canada’s most ’tawdry’ mayor -every car should have one..



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