Canada falling short on international aid, Victoria reader writes

Trudeau government lags behind even the Harper Conservatives in that department

How many people have sheepishly admitted that President George Bush is starting to look good under the circumstances?

North of the border, we can hardly make the same comparison, however. When it comes to international aid, Stephen Harper might outshine Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. While Mr. Trudeau is happy to pose with Malala Youfsafsai and offer honourary citizenship, his government is certainly not doing much by way of international aid for countries that need a boost to escape the cycle of poverty.

It is well documented that when girls are educated, they make better decisions for their families, which in turn betters their communities and their countries. Canadians have repeatedly expressed that they care deeply about the role that Canada plays on the international stage, and Malala specifically asked that we take a leadership role in helping girls become educated.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is starting to fall short on his campaign promises. The oft-quoted “We’re back” is losing the significance that it had when first quoted.

Connie Lebeau


Victoria News