Canada needs to be a player in world’s energy market

But will we not want Canada competing in the world’s energy markets?

To the Editor,

Re: Pipeline’s protesters outnumber proponents, Letters, Oct. 8.

A recent letter to the editor was vicious in attacks on Kinder Morgan, criticizing its honour and intentions.

The writer even uses the derogatory term ‘tar sands’ deliberately, or from lack of knowledge. The term has no meaning.

The United States is our major fuel customer now, but isn’t going to need Canadian oil by 2020 or sooner. But will we not want Canada competing in the world’s energy markets?

Many important U.S. financial organizations, masking as charitable organizations, supply funds to unsuspecting but active Canadian environmental activitists to protect bears, owls and boreal forests.

In reality, the purpose of this support is to limit Canada’s access to world markets. Condemnation of pipelines and tankers in Canada leaves full market access to U.S. interests.

Some 2,000 grants have come to Canadian environmentalists from some 40 American foundations, a total of $425 million. With all of this funding available, protesters have support to attend demonstrations and meetings – while the proponents are working.

D. F. ConnorsNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin