Canada’s costs of war are mounting

The number of Canadian military forces killed in Afghanistan is the largest for any single military mission since the Korean War.

The number of Canadian military forces killed in Afghanistan is the largest for any single military mission since the Korean War.

Nearly $100 billion has been spent on this operation alone. Now the war drums are beating louder as fear of “jihadists” is spread across the globe.

Over the past 13 years we’ve been fed a never-ending list of enemies to fear and destroy. People and organizations that we’d barely heard of before the Global War on Terror was spawned by 9/11: Osama, the Taliban, AlQueda, Hussein, Ghadafi, ISIS, ISIL, etc. and on a broader scale, “terrorists” and now “jihadists.”

The recent killings in France have prompted calls for more “security” around the world, including Canada. Also growing are the number of people who are connecting the dots and remembering that the entire “Global War on Terror” (which includes Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and more) began on 9/11.

The increasing Canadian costs, including lives lost and disabled are because of 9/11. The rampant Islamaphobia that didn’t exist before 9/11 is the result of what we’ve chosen to believe. “They hate our freedoms” and “Let’s roll” were popular slogans.

The grand total to date of the GWOT is conservatively estimated at 350,000 dead, with 220,000 of those innocent civilians. The cost is estimated to be around $4.5 trillion. And it’s far from over.

Remember those “9/11 conspiracy theorists” awhile back? Most of them have quietly given up after being repeatedly ridiculed. Now there’s new groups of people who believe that the collapse of three buildings on 9/11 was controlled demolition.

They’re not who you’d expect. Thousands of them are senior military, law enforcement and government officials as well as professional engineers and architects. They’re calling for an immediate independent investigation and many of them are certain that explosives, not planes, are the only explanation for those buildings to fall.

Spend some time on and and ask yourselves, as you would if you were a member of the jury “is there reasonable doubt about the official 9/11 story?”

Also ask are Canadian losses due to 9/11 justifiable? Who has profited from the Global War on Terror? Should we continue down this dark, destructive road based on what we now believe?

John SeelandNanoose Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News