Canadian laws need to protect young children

Canadian laws need to protect young children from child exploitation.


In November, the Toronto Police Services announced the results of Project Spade, a three-year international investigation involving Brian Way, a 42-year-old man making and distributing child pornography videos and images over the internet.

My heart jumped for joy and my skinned boiled all at once when I heard the news that 386 children have been rescued from child exploitation and 341 people have been arrested around the world in more than 50 countries, 24 children rescued in Canada.

I commend the Toronto police department for their commitment and hard work to end this global pandemic of child exploitation.

I know how difficult these investigations must be for the officers as it takes an emotional toll on their lives.

As an overcomer of childhood sexual abuse, I have learned that trafficking, prostitution, strip clubs and pornography are all interconnected.

Unless we address each issue and particular the demand that drives them we won’t solve the problem.

I believe that Canada needs to take the lead to protect our children and our youth from this predatory industry.

Research has revealed over and over again the harm that pornography has and the way it shapes behaviour and attitudes of children and youth.

Recently in our news Canada’s prostitution laws have been struck down as unconstitutional.

If you are like me you know how harmful this industry is to women and young girls and it needs to be eliminated because it dehumanizes and degrades humans and reduces them to commodity to be bought and sold.

I’d like to see Canada bring in as law the “Nordic Model.” Prostitution is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, but legalization and decriminalization is not the answer.

Please write your concerns to our MP, Prime Minister and Minister of Justice.

Petitions are around town please sign them and let’s send a strong message to Ottawa that our laws need to be changed.

Dina Kennedy

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune