Canadian traditional Christians being trampled
The recent decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to deny the accreditation of law graduates from Trinity Western University’s potential law school is no cause for celebration. While some may see this as a triumph for the human rights of a specific “downtrodden” minority, the exact opposite is true.
The covenant of T.W.U. does not specifically discriminate against anyone, but simply states the beliefs and ethical requirements of that institution within the framework of its mandate as a private institution. Once again, we are seeing the oppressive hand of the judicial institutions of Canada, particularly the Supreme Court of Canada, in arbitrarily defining and restricting the established religious convictions of Canadians. This is not their purpose or mandate as part of the judicial branch of government.
The supreme court, or any other judicial body for that matter, has no right to dictate the mores of reputable and well established educational institutions in Canada. But more than this, it sets a dangerous and questionable precedent. In what other ways will the judiciary tell us what is right and wrong in the framework of what we conceive to be morally and ethically correct? What will the Big Brother “Nanny State” next tell us is legal or illegal to believe?
Already the U.S. state department has issued a warning about the loss of religious freedom in Canada. Other international agencies are also deeply concerned about Canada’s rapidly declining level of freedoms. Along with the “Attestation” issue, this is just another way that the belief rights of Canadian traditional Christians are being trampled on.
Where next Canada? I eagerly await the guidelines that the future Ministry of Ideological Purity will impose on us, if only to exercise my right to oppose it.
Perry Foster