Candidate will cost taxpayers

To quote Katie Robinson on running for mayor in the next election, “I simply got tired of cringing every time I opened the newspaper”.

To quote Katie Robinson on running for mayor in the next election, “I simply got tired of cringing every time I opened the newspaper”.

Every Penticton taxpayer should cringe when they think that Katie Robinson could be the next mayor of Penticton.

Katie Robinson questions council’s decision to lay off some 30 city employees over the last two years. She goes on to state that we just got rid of 30 good paying jobs. If Katie Robinson cannot comprehend that the Penticton Taxpayers are the ones paying for the 30 good-paying jobs, then she has no right to receive a single vote from any Penticton taxpayer during the next election.

Council made the right decision in following the recommendations of the report on the operations of the City of Penticton. Operating expenses were reduced by $2 to $2.5 million with the reduction in the workforce. Penticton taxpayers were probably faced with an additional six to eight per cent property tax increase if salaries and benefits had not been reduced.

Katie Robinson then goes on to state that she wants to retain the fire dispatchers in Penticton, again at a great cost to the taxpayers of the City of Penticton. What will be the cost to the Penticton taxpayers, Katie Robinson?

Katie Robinson has chosen to show her allegiance to the employees of the City of Penticton, and to hell with the Penticton taxpayers that are left paying the bills.

Penticton taxpayers are probably faced with a 2012 property tax increase in the $2 million range just to fund the operations and debt obligations of the new swimming pool. Katie Robinson does not even mention this fact in her press release. How are you going to fund the swimming pool deficit Katie Robinson?

If Penticton taxpayers want to return to property tax increases in the range of 10 to 20 per cent annually, then by all means vote for Katie Robinson and complain when you receive your 2012 property tax statements.

Katie Robinson should be sent a message by the Penticton taxpayers that she has committed political suicide with her election platform. Penticton taxpayers need to send Katie Robinson a message that she should not quit her day job.

Hopefully, Katie Robinson finishes a distant third to Mr. Coyote in the mayoralty race.

Ted Wiltse





Penticton Western News