Canine companions provide selfless service

Re: Dog owners are lazy, ignore pets’ needs, Letters, April 19.

To the Editor,

Re: Dog owners are lazy, ignore pets’ needs, Letters, April 19.

The dog controversy seems set to go on forever and it is doubtful that either side will ever give any real leeway to the other. I have read and participated in the frustrations expressed by both dog lovers and the detractors of dogs in general, and despair of the two sides ever coming together.

That said, however, I don’t believe I have ever read a dog-related letter in the News Bulletin that spews vitriol to the extent of Tom McCartney’s latest effort. Obviously this man is not a disciple of the live and let live school of thought.

His previous diatribe described an assault on his crotch by “dozens of dogs” and he has now graduated to calling dog owners narcissistic. Perhaps he should check the meaning of words before employing them. A narcissist is a lover/admirer of self, not of dogs.

He goes on to describe the incredible amount of injuries inflicted on humanity by dogs without recognising the selfless services that canines also provide to the blind, epileptics, anti-terrorist organisations and the police, to name but a few. He also gives no thought to the empathic friendship and companionship dogs provide to lonely people, children and people like me who just plain enjoy a dog’s company for what it is.

While I have to grant that many dog owners could improve their performance and that dogs occasionally run out of control, I should point out that these numbers pale in comparison to the litter left around by ordinary people and the violence perpetrated daily by out of control kids and adults of the human, not canine variety.

I hope this letter will not be misconstrued as an “ode to dog garbage” or support for any dog that runs amok. Actually, although I walk my dog daily in parks and on trails all around the city, I can’t recall ever seeing a dog “run amok”. I truly have to wonder where McCartney spends his time that he sees things like this, not to mention his previous experience with the dozens of dogs.

Please back off sir. Spend your energies more charitably than demonizing man’s best friends and their human companions, good and bad.

Garry Bradford


Nanaimo News Bulletin