Cheung makes solid point about parking; some exercise will do me good

I began reading George Cheung’s contribution with a smile and ended it with a chuckle.


I began reading George Cheung’s contribution (Re: Williams Lake Tribune, Feb. 12, Residents abusing two-hour parking limit) with a smile and ended it with a chuckle.

I chuckled because I recognized myself as one of the offenders, perhaps the biggest one; business name and telephone number nicely displayed on my car to boot.

Then I read it again and, at the end, concurred that he had a good and valid point and that hogging a parking spot outside my office all day was a selfish act.

So, dear George, from now onwards I will park my car in the freebie parking lot, a mere five-minute walk down the road.

Thanks for bringing this up and the bit of exercise each day can only do me good.

Bernd Eisele

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune