
Christian social conservatives would do well to read their own book

Social conservatism itself is discriminatory and dangerous

Christian social conservatives would do well to read their own book

There is a seriously disturbing trend these days among social conservatives who call themselves Christian, yet judge others and advocate to revoke their rights. You cannot spend your time campaigning for people to lose their rights and still call yourself a Christian. Did you forget about “Judge not, that ye won’t be judged”? How about “let him who is without sin cast the first stone”? Have the classics “love thy neighbour” and “turn the other cheek” passed you by? Do you really think what you’re doing is what Jesus would have wanted?

If you continually advocate for the rights of LGBT people to be taken away, if you are Islamophobic, if you are against asylum seekers, if you criticize those who are different or less fortunate than you, then you are not a good person. Period. Social conservatism itself is discriminatory and dangerous, and thankfully is on its way out. I suggest you follow your book and do some hard thinking about what it is you actually believe.

Piper Cote

Cowichan Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen