City, DDBIA compensation only small part of Market rate increase

The Market agreed to increase the rate from $10,500 in 2018 to $12,500 in 2019.

City, DDBIA compensation only small part of Market rate increase

City, DDBIA compensation only small part of Market rate increase

The City of Duncan, Duncan Farmers Market, and Downtown Duncan Business Improvement Area would like to clarify some uncertainty from the Dec. 7 Citizen‘s article about the Market’s increases in fees.

The DDBIA manages City Square on the City’s behalf. As compensation for managing the Square, the DDBIA receives the rent from the Market as well as a grant from the City.

The Market’s rent to the DDBIA for the use of City Square has not increased since 2010.

The Market and DDBIA met several times and negotiated changes to the agreement language and the rate, and both parties agreed to the changes. The Market agreed to increase the rate from $10,500 in 2018 to $12,500 in 2019.

This increased cost for using City Square and Ingram Street represents only a portion of the increased fees the Market is charging the vendors. In addition to the rent, some of the Market’s other cost increases include accounting services, legal fees and increased liability insurance.

It is important to the City and the DDBIA that the Market feels supported. We are excited to have the Market as part of the many exciting things going on in Downtown Duncan and are happy to discuss any issues that may arise in the future.

Peter de Verteuil, CAO

City of Duncan

Cowichan Valley Citizen