City should make snow clearing on sidewalks a priority


Your question of the week is incorrectly worded. Who cares about the roads – it’s the sidewalks that need to be kept clean. I find the city’s efforts weak in this regard and I would put a priority on the ability being able to walk instead of having to drive because of poorly maintained walkways.

I notice fewer small snow plows in the afternoon though the road plows stay out later keeping the roads open for the evening commute. These same road plows very nicely spray their snow back onto the  sidewalks making it even more difficult to get around.

A perceived expectation is if the roadway is plowed, and the sidewalk isn’t then the roadway is for pedestrians and vehicles.

The city should note the pathway on the Illecillewaet Bridge has not been cleaned for over a week and it took six days before a blower went down Red Devil Hill.

For a town that is trying to promote green and get people out of vehicles, it’s not happening.

Don Pegues,


Revelstoke Times Review