Class sizes are a reason to seek private schooling

Letter to the editor on columnist's comments regarding the BCTF

Re: BCTF indoctrinating our kids (B.C. Views, March 7)

Thank you, Mr. Fletcher, for pointing out in your column the “glaringly false union propaganda” the BCTF is spreading about class size not mattering.

I do hope the unfortunate parents who pay thousands of dollars each year to send their children to private schools read your article.

According to information comparing public and private schools one can easily find online, “overcrowding of public school classrooms is one of the most common complaints about the public education system, a significant problem that inspires parents to seek private school alternatives.”

How lucky for parents of public school students that our current B.C. government legislators are not falling for such propaganda and are instead debating Bill 22 which will allow class size to increase for all public school children in British Columbia.

Patricia Farago


Saanich News