Clock repairs

Clock tower a piece of Vernon's heritage and deserves repairing

The clock from the old post office is a part of Vernon’s heritage and should be preserved to be enjoyed and appreciated by all, not just now but for years to come. Why is council having such a hard tome to spend money on such a historical item?

Council seems to have no problem spending taxpayers’ money on what appear to be their own pet projects. The acquisition of more and more land with no specified purpose seems to be at the forefront of their agenda. I won’t get into the disruption of traffic flow that the proposed bike lanes (re: 43 Ave.) are sure to cause.

When I moved to Vernon in 2003, the main bus stop was at Cenotaph Park, which at some point was declared an unsafe location; council insisted on moving it to its current location. Taxes paid to move it then and now they are going to pay to move it back.

Taxes also paid for the beautification of the property at city hall. The rock with water pumping out of the top is nice, but the cement water troughs (for lack of a better description) are ridiculous. Evidently, they represent the Gray Canal, although there is no plaque to inform anyone of that and the design would not lead one to that assumption.

I found out only because the mayor happened to be right beside them when I went to pay my taxes and I took the time to ask.

It seems to me that Vernon’s past means little or nothing at all to the city council.


C. Gehrmann, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star