Column gets under reader’s skin

Tom Fletcher's comments on Jane Fonda represent a cheap shot

Re: Tom Fletcher’s column in the Jan. 18 edition, ‘Fake news is all around us.’ I stopped reading Tom Fletcher’s columns quite some time ago, you can only take hearing so much arrogant, ignorant and abrasive commentary.

But the headline ‘Fake new is all around’ (and the cartoon above it ) caught my eye, so I decided to delve it. Bad mistake. By the third paragraph he reminded me why I prefer not to read what he writes about.

Jane Fonda had made a flyover trip to the tar sands and her comment about it making it feel like her skin was being peeled away, obviously triggered Fletcher’s misogyny.

Fletcher wrote: “Seeing the mining sites made her feel like her skin was being peeled away, she said, and this is clearly someone who has had work done on her skin.”  Is she clearly someone who has had work done on her skin? And if she has, what does it matter?

So because she may or may not have had something done to her appearance, her opinion isn’t valid?  She can’t express herself? Would you have made this same comment about a man, Tom?

Taking this low blow really shows more about Fletcher, his misogyny, sexism and agism. Fletcher can add himself to the long list of people who, when they can, will take that cheap shot at a women just because. Jane Fonda is 79 years old. She has aged gracefully (go look), and even if she’s had some work, who cares?

Tom Fletcher you could do with a little ‘work’. My suggestion is that you start from the inside out.

Helen McInnes





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