COLUMN: Wanted – Your opinions for the Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Editor Cassidy Dankochik puts the call out for readers to share their thoughts

Send any letters to the editor to

I get a lot of email.

My inbox is filled to the brim with pitches, story leads, government news releases, spam and everything in between.

What is more rare for me to see when I get an alert letting me know the endless stream of email has another drop coming down the line is letters to the editor.

I oddly get letters to the editor from around the world, but not usually from people living in Quesnel and the surrounding area.

I’ve been running the Observer for six months now (where does the time go), and most of the time I don’t receive a single letter to the editor to put into the ‘feedback’ section of the Observer.

We want to hear from you. The good, the bad, the ugly.

It’s been nice to have the Quesnel Rec Centre pool referendum to spur some public interest in our letters section.

LETTER: Four reasons to vote against Quesnel pool referendum

LETTER: Vote in favour of the Quesnel pool referendum

So this piece is a simple request from me to our readers, be they in print, online or just browsing Facebook.

If you’re living around Quesnel, I want to hear from you on anything, and it doesn’t need to be local. Feel free to share your passions on national, provincial, or international events.

I’m always down for feedback,

Cassidy Dankochik is the editor of the Quesnel Cariboo Observer

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:


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Quesnel Cariboo Observer