Columnist displays political agenda

Re: Discussions on HST needed much earlier, Letters, Sept. 6)

To the Editor,

Re: Discussions on HST needed much earlier, Letters, Sept. 6)

Michael Utgaard’s letter  pretty much blew every offering by Tom Fletcher clean out of the water.

The many flaws of anything offered by a B.C. Liberal are pointed out for what they are – brain dead.

Yet Fletcher deliberately chose to reward this, rather than shine a critical light. That indicates a political agenda rather than critical analysis.

Fletcher’s use of dog whistle language ‘great unwashed’ is a blatant attempt to punish those who would question tyranny and deceipt.

Any bets on how the Order of B.C. for Gordon Campbell or that half-billion dollar roof on B.C. Place would show up in a referendum?

Grant Maxwell


Nanaimo News Bulletin