Comments about Langley were disappointing

A generalization about Langley residents was just as harmful as a generalization about gay people.

Editor: I read The Times article (May 9), regarding Todd Hauptman’s resignation from Mary Polak’s campaign. I must say, I was immediately disappointed and hurt by the comments of Hauptman, specifically “the very base of voters who will likely help Mary get re-elected in just one week’s time are made up of individuals who hold hateful attitudes towards the community I am part of.”

I have had the pleasure to meet  Hauptman on several occasions over the course of the years and found him to be a bright, insightful young person. I always made time for him. This is why I am so disappointed with his comment.

I doubt very much that Hauptman has taken the time to know the entire group of constituents who vote Liberal in Langley and their thoughts on the gay community.

In my opinion, his comments are full of assumptions and he is doing to the Langley Liberal constituents the very thing he is accusing them of doing to his community.

I can only hope that Hauptman crafted his letter in haste and truly does not feel the way his comments make it seem.

If he expects to have an ongoing career in the areas he has chosen, he will require community support and therefore he should learn to choose his words more wisely — especially when singling out a specific group or community.

At least that’s the way I see it.

D. Carr,


Langley Times