COMMUNITY COMMENT: On Castlegar’s old growth protests

Find out what our readers had to say about the recent protest blocking Columbia Avenue

Facebook comments on old growth protesters blocking Columbia Avenue for 24 hours:

Harry Heyduck — In my personal vehicles it’s just a pain, but for emergency vehicles, seconds can count!

Val Crowdis — I saw the ambulance [detoured around the protest] as well, that’s when this protest lost the most support from this community.

Sam Coulson — I think it’s sad that the City of Castlegar provided port-a-potties and barricades and made it welcoming.

Marina Kaden — Its about time Katrine Conroy shows up and talk to people. Just stop hiding behind COVID-19. No one is asking for hugs or handshakes. Just talk.

Val Crowdis — Peaceful and respectful are totally OK. Blocking citizens and causing an issue is not OK. I hear the issues, but disrupting a city that has nothing to do with the issue just loses supporters.

Riley Connor — What is this protest going to accomplish other than to piss people off? Why does this protest which technically contravenes the health orders about gatherings get a pass but the anti-lockdown protests on the sidewalk not interrupting any traffic got huge flak? Why did those people get fined and not these ones?

Lori Baker — Literally one extra moment of your life to go around the block. They really are quite peaceful, and just want to make people more aware.

Mic Ella — Yup, the ambulance detour was uncalled for. I saw it. Why would you want to piss people off to “gain awareness for your cause.” Making a nuisance of yourself on a weekend is definitely [not] going to endear people to your cause. I am not in favor of chopping old growth down either, but being irritating is not going to help anyone.

Clay Stooshnoff — 100% best way to make people angry… at you… not old growth loggers. Way to lose support for your cause.

Sharie Cates — Protest on a lot not on a Main Street! This is just ridiculous!

Linda Evans — Good cause, terrible strategy. How does this accomplish anything but alienating people?

RELATED: Old growth protesters block Castlegar’s main street for 24 hours
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