DLDRA’s rebuilt, and newly-roofed advertising board at the approach to the Mahood Lake Road Corridor. (Diana Forster photo - submitted).

Community support abounds at Deka Lake

Diana Forster's weekly column

When Deka Lake & District Ratepayers Association (DLDRA) needed help, two dozen community supporters arrived to raise the roof on the advertising board.

Appreciation goes especially to Ken Swaffield and Ken Schmidt for building the roof and putting it together, and to Vancity Roofing’s Marcel Marier for overlaying its tin. Swaffield also created the beautiful flower basket, which was added during the rebuilding of the signboard after it was demolished in March, thanks to a $1,000 grant from the Cariboo Regional District.

Advertisers provide their own 2′ x 2′ sign, and pay $25 per calendar year, which includes a listing on DLDRA’s website. If you don’t have a sign, Freeline Graphics offers a great deal.

Fish Habitat Restoration (FHR), through BC Wildlife Federation, has kindly paid for and placed a wheelchair-accessible porta-potty at Higgins Lake Access #3’s fishing wharf. Pursuant to their agreement with FHR, DLDRA provides general maintenance for the washroom and fishing wharf, while Higgins’ residents care for and maintain the accesses, and alert the executive if anything larger needs attention. FHR is working to accommodate several wheelchair accesses across the province, and will be placing a ramp up to the dock in due course.

The white buoy to the left of the channel en route to Big Deka is marking rocks and should be avoided. And beware, the sunken island is just past the boys’ camp in the big end and is very shallow.

Please use caution when travelling the channel but if by accident you cut a buoy, please pick it up and inform DLDRA, so they can replace it.

Mountain Spruce Community Centre Society’s (MSCCS) annual social and membership drive is at 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 4. Members can then vote at the Annual General Meeting at 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 18.

Since MSCCS serves all four of our lakes, please offer your support. They look forward to welcoming new members and new directors from each lake.

At this time, they also anticipate holding their Remembrance Day service.

Birthday blessings to Colleen Law, Isabelle Poirier and Dirk Verheul. Special congratulations to Donna and Jim Watson on their 60th wedding anniversary today and to Elaine and Bill Adams’ 48th.


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