Community unites


Brent Browning sent in a shot of some doggone sailors for our Your View section. Send your pictures to

Brent Browning sent in a shot of some doggone sailors for our Your View section. Send your pictures to


I can honestly say I had trouble stringing two words together to express my sorrow, anger and disbelief over the tragedy that has taken place in our community.

I am very grateful for the words of Cowichan Tribes Chief Hwitsum that in good times and bad, we must unite as a community to share our common goals.

The loss of Tyeshia Jones allows us to remove barriers, be it political, cultural, or social, and really focus on what we as a whole community can do to reduce, and hopefully stop these horrific crimes from happening again.

I will be attending the Take Back The Night march in Duncan on Friday, Feb. 18.

I will encourage my friends and political supporters to participate as well and be part of one voice to support the Jones family and demonstrate that we are not afraid to walk on the streets in our community.

This is our time to ignite the spirit of community in the face of adversity.

We need to honour victims of crime and their families and leave a legacy of hope in Tyeshia’s name.

We need to take this opportunity to teach our young people life skills to be safe and that we do live in a good and decent place.

And, we all have a role to play to make it an even better place.

I hope that your readers can take time with their families and join in on the candle light march.

John Koury

North Cowichan


The pick-up, take down shimmy (game fatigue)

I am the player of your opposition Team Populace/Electorate;

Playing the field, games, running, chasing team players of government’s Team Ourselves First.

Through the hallways of our public house, you are making us too tired to be able to sleep soundly. Speaking words like trust, tradition, honestly you have built a solid foundation on sands of corrupt, cheating Christian conventions.

With public-good facade for private interest cover, good-public distrusts entrusted, crusted political players.

Contradiction and hypocrisy are your game strategy, and your Brutus-ish knives to draw upon when opportunity calls, opportunity for planting in partners posteriorly, and then walk over, to get ahead.

Forgetting today’s promise tomorrow, like an Alzheimer’s patient who cannot be recalled of their chosen afflicted addiction. From power seats, comfortable control, you drive to and fro across boarder of duty to deceit, with a four year passport of diplomatic impunity. Pablum fed public, our pressing for plausible explanations. Overwhelmed with your cheap trick gifts, your presence of puerile performances.

‘Open for business’ was the open opening refrain; re-read, sub-text said, ‘Open to business: come one, come all. It’s fire-sale time: everything can go.

Hurry! Now, before we lose our control of the public house.’

But where is my share? Forfeited by my own failure to subscribe to corporate cookies of consideration. I am the short-sighted, short-termed memoried sucker, to be bled of my pennies that must otherwise go to non-profit efforts to purchase perks like critical lifesaving medical amenities that our collective coffers curiously, cannot cover.

But I must go rest up now, for the second half; double overtime, without pay. We’re playing against teams from two domestic country capitals this season.

Howard Williams


Ladysmith Chronicle