Conservative government actions border on treason

Conservative leader and party no longer represent what the majority of Canadians stand for.

Open letter to Progressive Conservatives:

Your leader and party no longer represent what the majority of Canadians stand for. Through your industrial-minded, strong capitalist-leaning, militaristic ideology you have, in a single stroke, dismantled all the beliefs that we proud Canadians hold dear and have managed to universally embarrass us by making us look like the backward-thinking nation that Stephen Harper is aiming to aspire to.

I am here to tell you that hundreds of thousands of Canadians will not stand for it—your Conservative regime is destroying our once strong environmental policies and making us all fear for the safety of our land and resources.

Economy cannot come before national duty and as the current leaders of our nation you must protect our human right to clean air, water and viable land over and above economic interest.

The Conservatives gross misuse of our resources—water subsidies for fracking and the tar sands, lowering industrial environmental standards and regulations, gutting of the Navigable Waters Act, and allowing foreign investment by state-owned enterprises (businesses owned by the Chinese government) unprecedented access to national resources, the Conservative government borders on absolute treason.

In the near future, the only national and universal ideals of any importance will center on the stability, sustainability and recovery of our environment and resources. These resources are human rights, not economic fodder and the current Conservative path intends to wound the sustainability of these resources, these human rights, so deeply that we may not be able to recover.

This idea of industrial growth over environmental preservation will not endure; we want Canadians to have generations of ensured safety when it comes to our clean air, water and viable land and resources. The current regime is determined to make this impossible by supporting the death throes of infinite growth economics, even if it means becoming a laughing stock when it comes to positive action against climate change, robbing our people of their Canadian rights to clean air, water and land, becoming an enemy of our environment which should be seen as a trust to future generations of Canadians and preserved as such, even if it means inviting a national security risk like state owned enterprises almost unlimited access to our resources and the right to sue Canada, in private court, for billions.

I am here to tell you your pipelines will not go through, the Canada-China Investment Treaty will not be ratified, our international peacekeeping will once again be the envy of nations and all our environmental policy will be reinstated, updated and swiftly reinforced.

The Conservative Party does not deserve to represent us as individuals or as a nation and we will do—I will do—everything to ensure a re-election as soon as possible because you and your party are a danger to our nation, our security, our resources and our proud legacy.

Taron J. Keim,


Kelowna Capital News