Conservatives ‘almost there’ on gun-registry promise

At last we have good news regarding the demise of the hated long-gun registry

Editor, The Times:

At last we have good news regarding the demise of the hated long-gun registry.

The Conservatives are going to do away with what is undoubtedly Canada’s most costly venture into feel-good laws that fail miserably.

I would like to offer my thanks to Conservatives for fulfilling the last campaign promise.

The first step to keeping their entire promise to repeal C-68 is very welcome.

I would like to suggest the Conservatives change from keeping the licensing to issuing a diploma upon completion of the course.

This diploma would be just like the one I got for graduating high school – issued for life.

No renewals and no invasive tracking the majority of Canadian citizens would save a lot of money.

Rebuild my faith in the system and return to us our Charter rights.

Believe in me. I am not the problem, nor will I be

Prime Minister Harper is almost there.

He needs to show me he has the backbone to do what is right and finish the job.

Chris Gilmore

Logan Lake, B.C.



Clearwater Times