Cosmetic pesticides a risk not worth taking

The best way to protect our drinking water, beloved family pets and, most important, our children is to ban lawn and garden pesticides.

RE: “Do Homework Before Pesticide Ban” (Progress, Dec. 15)

The key message in this letter is that lawn pesticides have risks. Everyone, including Health Canada, admits this. In the case of 2,4-D — a common herbicide used to kill weeds in grass — these risks include cancer, neurological impairment, and reproductive problems.

Our doctors’ organization, along with the Canadian Cancer Society, says the risks are not worth taking, especially when the chemicals in question are used just to change a lawn’s appearance. We believe homeowners can keep their properties beautiful using non-toxic products — which are effective and widely available.

The best way to protect our drinking water, beloved family pets and, most important, our children is to ban lawn and garden pesticides right across the province.


Gideon Forman

Executive Director

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Chilliwack Progress