Cost of not shopping locally hurts our community

108 Mile Ranch readers urges folks to shop locally to support businesses

To the editor:

What is your favourite little store in 100 Mile House?

What would our wonderful little community be like without it?

I have always been so grateful we have such a wonderful collection of small businesses that offer first-class customer service, places that carry items that are 100 miles out of the ordinary, as well as those that carry everyday items we need.

Whether it is finding a new item for your holiday table at our local kitchen store, hitting the local hardware store for a new bundle of Christmas lights to compete with the Griswolds next door or gearing up at the sport shop to get in the game, shopping local helps everyone.

I cannot stress enough to everyone in and around 100 Mile House how important it is for us to support our local shops.

Shopping locally stimulates our local economy and your money is kept within your community. These local businesses, in turn, can support the community and its non-profit groups, charities and events.

Small local businesses are unique. They add character to our community offering us items we cannot find in the main stream big-box stores, creating charm and pride in what a small community can offer.

By supporting your local business, you are creating jobs, opportunities for students and families to continue to grow and invest in our community.

So, this holiday season, or even better all year long, vote with your wallet and support our local shops. They are in business just for us.


Tammy McDermid

108 Mile Ranch

100 Mile House Free Press