Council objection comes too late

The cloverleaf option for the McKenzie interchange was overwhelmingly approved by the public

Isn’t is a little late for Saanich council to object to the McKenzie cloverleaf?  The Ministry of Highways hosted a showcase of the possible new McKenzie intersections.  The cloverleaf option was overwhelmingly approved by the public.  When there have already been three public consultations and major public support for the cloverleaf design, who does Coun. Vic Derman think he is to object to what the majority wants?

When I moved to Saanich in 2002, I walked in Cuthbert Holmes Park a lot.  At that time I enjoyed viewing a lot of wildlife including herons, kingfishers, hawks, owls and not to mention the many squirrels.  Slowly but surely, the off-leash dogs have literally chased away the wildlife and the park is now a haven for transient campers; some of which hoard their stolen goods in the park.  The damage is already done to the park.  Let’s get on with the choice of the people: the cloverleaf intersection.

Merv Walker



Saanich News