Councillor’s conduct at meeting is unworthy of an elected official

Re: Councillor apologizes to staff after outburst at open meeting, Oct. 27.

To the Editor,

Re: Councillor apologizes to staff after outburst at open meeting, Oct. 27.

“Bite me,” said Gord Fuller, elected Nanaimo councilman to the elected mayor of said council?

I know it was Halloween but the level of discourse at Nanaimo council really is giving me the shivers. Any day now reporters and visitors at council meetings are going to need tetanus shots.

John HarrisNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: Councillor apologizes to staff after outburst at open meeting, Oct. 27.

From what I read, it seems almost everyone needs a lawyer in the litigious world of Nanaimo city hall. Those who stand in the way of the current administration find themselves in a fight to protect their reputations and their jobs.

As for the councillor whose foul-mouthed tantrum was caught on camera, no one ‘made you’ act the way you did. Your conduct, unworthy of an elected official, is 100 per cent on you. I hope I won’t need a lawyer for saying so.

Kathy EcclesYellow Point


To the Editor,

Re: Councillor apologizes to staff after outburst at open meeting, Oct. 27.

For gosh sake, all the turmoil at city hall is being caused squarely by Coun. Diane Brennan and Mayor Bill McKay. Centre the bad credit precisely where it’s due. Nanaimo council is not in disarray. The majority votes and makes the laws – this is democracy. When wouldn’t it be? When the duo tries to subvert and disrupt very important meetings with a late item just to posture for votes.

At a Monday council meeting, for better or worse, the majority of council voted to discontinue gender-specific jail guarding. That is democracy. Just two days later, when a time-sensititive meeting was hastily called to deal solely with the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation mess, Brennan and McKay played politics to try and stuff the jail issue back on an agenda – an item that was already democratically voted on just two days before. For half an hour, the mayor and his councillor kept pushing. No wonder Coun. Fuller snapped. All should have.

McKay and Brennan are solely responsible for making Nanaimo look bad to the world through their unsuccessful attempts to regain their long-lost power at the council table and throughout the city.

K.T. ShawNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin