Dear editor,
BC Ferries makes cuts for savings — tax cuts=service cuts=fee increases.
So Christy Clark’s cabinet has decided that because of huge decreases in ridership on BC Ferries, changes have to be made. Cut out some routes, reduce trips on others.
One is still waiting to get results on promises from governments and parties to make the ferry system on the islands part of the highway system. Like in the Kootenays.
The B.C. cabinet has directed BC Ferries to cut services and continue to offer free passes to employees — at cost of millions.
I wonder if the Clark cabinet considered some reduction in the bloated bureaucracy of BC Ferries and the huge salaries and pay bonuses to senior management? Or how about the gold-plated remuneration to cabinet-appointed members of the BC Ferries board of directors?
Why were these options ignored?
But wait!
Turn all the gift shops into casinos. Put slots in the bathrooms and beside the ice cream machine and in the elevator for handicapped passengers.
Maybe that will ease the pain Clark must feel at having to charge seniors for use of the ferry system.
Cliff Boldt,